Anyone out there using a clean boost pedal for their OTS's and if so which one is their preference? I've been looking at the Keeley Kantana and Creative Audio Mk 4.23 (which has a somewhat "treblely" sound on the YouTube demos) neither have I tried. I have a Xotic RC Booster which sounds better with other amps, so I'm not overly fond of using it for my HRM Bluesmaster.
I don't want to sound negative but asking these kind of questions is pointless really...
Let me explain...
I'm using RC Booster and I love this pedal...with all my amps, including HRM Bluesmaster. So my point is ... tone is such a personal thing that opinion from others should not be your guideline. You will have to bite a bullet and try some of these pedals and find out what works for you.... I'm afraid there is no other option.