Having noted the diference in tone between running clean with Volume 2 and Master 8 and Volume 6-8 and Master 2 I think PS has something to offer.
I do know that poweramp distortion isn't part of what the OTS does, but, what does occur is the addition of harmonics when driving the amp harder and its this that I like. I'm still not sure about retro fitting PS to my 50watter, however when I get around to doing a 100watt HRM it will have PS fitted (in addition to 5k OT tap to properly run 6V6's)
This is an old post hwelg but just thought I'd chime in with my recent experience..I had been hankering for an OTS amp for around two years & finally managed to acquire a 100 watt HRM Bluesmaster with 1/2 power switch around 4 months ago. Previously I used mainly Marshall's and more recently a Blackstar Artisan, so I guess I favoured power amp style overdrive. I knew that the Ceria D style amp was different in that the preamp created the bulk of the tone which was then amped by a Twin style 6L6 output stage. I had a chance to play with the amp at home for about 3 weeks and like most people, at first found it really frustrating to dial in...
getting a Klein helped this but a big revelation came to me the first time I gigged the amp (hadn't got the Klein at this stage). When we were sound checking I dropped the amp into half power mode and really wound the master up and kept the first volume relatively low (4/5) - I found that the amp found a new voice and really sang- this was using the clean channel only! I played the gig using the clean channel only and used a Wampler ecstasy just to add a bit of hair for solos.. I know these amps aren't renowned for power stage o/d but it was a very pleasing tone for me - seemed to cut through better than the amp o/d..now the only time I get to try this is at gigs so I can see how the P/S might be useful at home. Anyone else enjoy driving the output stage of their OTS?
I've gigged it since and now am enjoying the amp o/d having become a bit more familiar with the way the controls interact - that night I think I had the o/d trimmer set too high - think I've still to get the best out of it but it is a really enjoyable experience so far - I haven't tweaked the HRM trimmers yet as I'm liking the tone - are these worth tweaking? I'd like a setting that suits both HB and strat tones..