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31  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: February 19, 2008, 03:09:53 AM
Awesome clips one and all! This amp really sounds awesome with single coils. I play mostly telecasters and an occasional strat. Just got a 5E3 and I think this would make a great and complementary companion. It's next on my list.
32  American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Home brew head cab on: February 19, 2008, 02:58:48 AM
This is the head cab I just finished for my 5E3 combo chassis. I'm also building a standard tweed deluxe combo cab. It's sitting on top of a speaker cab I built that is loaded with a V30 at the moment. Sounds great! I have a celestion blue that was damaged in transit and am awaiting the arrival of a new one.

Eventually I'll finish the combo cab and an overtone will be sitting on that speaker cab.

33  American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Re: Hello all on: February 17, 2008, 05:15:37 AM
I sort of run the gamut between classic rock, rockabilly, blues, and country, with a little western swing thrown in for good measure. I'm pretty open to a lot of different styles and I like taking a swing at most of them.

I'm making the cab out of pine with birch plywood for the baffle and back pieces. It's a typical tweed deluxe cabinet. I'm also making a head cab for it even though I got the combo chassis. I attached some brackets to the chassis to mount it and that will give me the option of a head or combo depending on my mood. Currently taking a break as the contact cement cures and about to put the tolex on the head.
34  American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Re: Hello all on: February 16, 2008, 04:58:37 AM
Hi Josh,
I recently got a 5E3 from Nik and am still in the process of cabinet building. It's a great amp. As for speakers there are a lot of choices. I got a Celestion blue for mine but that was anything but cost effective. I've heard a lot of good things about Weber and Jensen speakers in these amps. People seem to typically go alnico as did I but my Celestion V30 sounds awesome in it also. Good luck on your quest.
35  American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / 5E3 ordered on: January 29, 2008, 11:02:35 PM

Been reading here for a couple of weeks and this is my first post.

Just ordered a 5E3 combo today. I really struggled with the decision to build a head or a combo but in the end I guess old school won out and I'm going to take a stab at building the tweed cab. I've built similar cabs before but they were tolex. Never worked with tweed and I'm really not looking forward to that.

Like everyone says, Nik was great to work with (thanks Nik). Now the wait begins.
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