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16  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Anyone here using an Xotic BB? on: August 17, 2008, 03:08:25 PM
I have a BB, RC Booster, Zendrive, MJM Blues Devil, and a Bad Monkey (seriously) on my board.

The BB boosted with the RC can get pretty nasty in a really good way.

ChrisL, does this mean you're running the RC into the BB?  I'm very curious how you have the Zen, RC and BB stacked on your board. 

I have those pedals as well.  I love the RC, it's been with me for years.  I think I'm currently running the zen into the BB and then the RC is last in the chain.  I don't think this is optimal.  I've been lazy and really should redo the board.


I have the RC going into the BB.  The Zen is next but in it's own loop.  The Bad Monkey and Blues Devil are in their own loops, too.  There are a lot of great tones with this lineup. 
17  Website, Store / Suggestions / Re: Fender AB763 Vibroverb - Vote Now.... on: August 16, 2008, 01:56:17 AM
Yes. Absolutely.  I'd be first in line...right behind you of course Adrian.
18  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: My ODSish rant! on: July 25, 2008, 05:46:10 PM
Hey guys,

First of all. Great posts.  Sometimes we all need to be put in our place when we get a little "uppity".  A heated discussion every once in while is good for the soul..lol.

My rant on "tone" stemmed in fact from a customer who is interested in an 18 watt TMB and was over to the studio to try it out.  It was one of those "I want to sound like Jimi Page"...Is this the amp for me?  I just rolled my eyes and thought (just thought)...man, there ain't NO amp that's going to make YOU sound like Page.

I'm a strong proponent of tone is just a reflection of your heart and soul spilling out through your hands.  All the greats and not so greats are going to sound like themselves regardless of the gear.

As for the OT, or any of Nik's amps for that matter,  I do stick with what I said in my original post 100%.  Fellas, this isn't about sharing tips on how to do a tweak or two.  I love to help.  In fact, my ravings are because I am concerned with helping .  If anyone asks, "Hey Chris, what's your take on the difference between using a .01uf and .05 uf mid cap?  Sure, you got it.  Great question.
  But if you come along and say, "I just got my Overtone and it seems a little bassy....What can I do? Oh and BTW I've never touched the inside of an amp before." 

NO WAY!  This thing can/will kill you.  If you don't want to do the detailed homework, fine.  You don't want to learn the lingo, fine.  PLEASE! Take it to a tech.  You'll be out and rockin within a week.  If I am coming across as arogant, well, fine then, too.   

And, if you are comfortable inside an amp.  Great.  But an ODS is no champ or 18 watt.  It's baffling to me at times and I've been deep into this circuit for quite a while now.

I just can't comprehend that if you are not learned in electronics nor feel inclined to become so....why on earth would you want to go probing around the innards of an amp as comlex and lethal as the Overtone?  If you had a Bogner or Two Rock would you consider doing the same?

 If you choose to open up the Overtone take a little personal responsibility and get educated.  All it really takes is a evening away from the tele and some concerted concentration and reading to get the gist.

It's late.  Shall we continue tomorrow? Wink
19  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone finished with headcab :) on: July 24, 2008, 01:35:06 AM
That's pretty spiffy.  Some sort of logo plate and some wheat cloth or basket weave would really make your rig "pop".

Good stuff.
20  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Anyone here using an Xotic BB? on: July 24, 2008, 01:29:26 AM
Hey Jack,

Vibro clone??  Do tell!

I actually use my EL84 ceriatone and my plexi as much as I use the OTS. I'm actually quite happy with the other 2 ceriatones and a zendrive. Plus, I recently aquired a '64 Vibraverb clone which I really like.
21  Ceriatone / Overtone / My ODSish rant! on: July 24, 2008, 01:21:45 AM
Hey Folks,

A lot of recent OT threads are kind of getting on my nerves. 

Let's go back a year or so....

I was one of a few who originally asked Nik for an ODS "like" circuit for the purposes of an experimental platform.  I didn't know if it was going to be a non-HRM, HRM or if it would have Skyliner TS or Bluesmaster PI,,,,components and their values, 50 watt or 100 watt..etc.  I didn't even see a layout until a few months after the project got in motion.  Once I did see the layout I knew the build was loosly based on #124 with a bit of Brownnote's D'lite in there, too.   It was kind of a "mutt".  That was cool and Nik built exactly what I wanted.  It took another few months to get the chassis and by that time I had a long list of components to swap.  Remember it was ordered as a basic platform for tweaking.  That is what the amp still is.  Tweaking is the whole premise of the ODS circuit.

All this recent crap... "Can I sound like so and so?  Will it do this tone or that tone?  Aargh!

OK, Let me YELL this to all you guys...

It's ALL in the tweaks.  (Not mods...there are no mods!!  Zucker mod,,,blah blah. Sorry Jack. Grin)

The od is harsh?  Well, of course it is.  Anyone with any experience can assume that just by looking at the original layout.

The ODS circuit in it's many forms and variations was designed with the intention to be able to tweak to each individual players style and tonal preferences.   My god, spend a bit of time at the amp garage forum to see good (really good) builders obsessing and arguing over the finest details on these circuits.
My personal opinion is... if anyone buys the OT and is satisfied with the tone right out of the box??.....Eureka!  You've found the needle in the haystack. 

But, I advise you to expect to get your "hands dirty".  It's the nature of the circuit. 

The OT is simply an affordable platform to "build" your own tone. 

So, unless you are completely satisfied with the tone of the amp right out of the box, either roll up your sleeves, study (alot) and tune to get the most out of the circuit or look elsewhere because you are wasting your time and doing the amp a dis-service in saying "the OD is harsh, I don't like it".

Oh and....

Guys like John Mayer could pull a dried up, weather beaten, plank off the side of an old barn, string it with bailing wire, and plug into a pignose and.....still have tone of the gods.  Revel in your own unique tone.

Sorry fellas, It's nasty hot and humid and I'm grumpier than a bear with a sore ass.

Rant done.


ChrisL  Cool
22  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Questionable, but i might be going for the Overtone on: July 23, 2008, 12:25:30 AM
Hey Chris,

  You do realize that you aren't going to have anyone here tell you that the OT isn't THE perfect amp for you.......lol........right?  

If you read here and elsewhere you will find that the Overtone unlike your Mesa has both stellar cleans and an impressive array of gain tones.  The amp's EQ section is comprehensive and allows for an almost infinite range of tone possibilities.  And if that's not enough flexibility for you there are plenty of well documented mods to the various sections of the circuit.  This, in fact, is the true beauty of the ODS circuit.....it begs to be tweaked.  

At only 20 you already have an impressive history with some fine amps.  What's next is something only you can decide.  But in my opinion the Overtone is a very versatile and capable platform for expressing the tones that live within you.



Alright you guys so how do you like yours tonewise compared to your other amps or other amps you've tried? I'm 20 years old and have been playing since i was 12, I've always been a big brand name guy, I've owned a Crate Blue Voodoo head, Fender Cyber Twin, Vox AC30, Marshall TSL100, Mesa Dual Rectifier, now a Mesa Stiletto. All have been sold or swapped in trades for the amp listed after it. So I know what tones are out there. I've played some Plexi's, I love the Fender Deluxe Reverbs I've played and Fenders new Super Sonic is decent, but how does the Overtone compare to everything else that's out there?

Im a huge blues/jazzy fan. Its almost all i really play anymore, the only reason i own the Stiletto is because i played in a touring hard rock band. Now that I'm done with that i want something smaller with a better clean tone for blues.....mesa stilettos aren't the best for that and along with that its 150 watts, I'm gonna be going to Berklee College of Music in Boston next year so i don't want something that loud....just isn't practical. Im probably the biggest fan of John Mayer's tone that i know of and I'm wondering how good you can hit that tone with this amp. I talked to Nik and he said some of his tones are in there but what do you all think? This will be my first amp that hasn't been something typical like Fender or Mesa or some huge big name like that so I'm being cautious.

Thanks in advance!
23  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Plex cab for my OTS on: July 22, 2008, 11:40:40 PM
A well built amp will have the chassis shielded by using a metal sheet of some sort between the chassis and cab.  Just take a look at any old Fender.  Some circuits are more prone to interference than others.
24  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Anyone here using an Xotic BB? on: July 22, 2008, 11:28:29 PM
I have a BB, RC Booster, Zendrive, MJM Blues Devil, and a Bad Monkey (seriously) on my board.

The BB boosted with the RC can get pretty nasty in a really good way.
25  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Plex cab for my OTS on: July 22, 2008, 05:50:48 AM
Looks great man.  There is a risk of it getting noisy in some joints from poor lighting but in my experience (my OT has a plexi window) it should be fine.
26  American Style / 5F6-A Bassman / Re: Power Scaling on: July 08, 2008, 12:18:37 PM
I've given up on attenuating Fenders.  A good dirt pedal at moderate volumes always sounds better to my ears than their cranked attenuated break up.
27  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone went down last night! on: July 07, 2008, 11:05:18 PM
Thanks guys,

It's always good to have a fresh and extra set of eyes on a problem.  The Overtone seems to be behaving.

The Traynor is still giving me fits though.  I HATE working on PCB boards.


28  British Style / 18 Watt / Re: 18 Watt TMB Effects Loop? on: July 07, 2008, 10:55:44 PM
Here's a link to one layout Nik has.

29  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone went down last night! on: July 07, 2008, 10:30:34 AM
Hey guys,

I pulled the chassis, swapped all the tubes, and all the voltages check out fine.  I'll give it workout tonight and see how it holds up.

Wall voltages here in Japan stay pretty constant...just shy of the prescribed 100V and of course through a surge protector. 

The Traynor was the only amp with non tube related trouble....cold solder on V4. 

30  Ceriatone / Overtone / Overtone went down last night! on: July 06, 2008, 01:40:17 AM
Yep, it started doing the typical "valve implosion...spittin, fartin, and burpin" during rehearsal last night.  It was sounding and performing sooo.. good, too.  Kind of like a racecar just before it blows an engine. Grin

Oh well, back to the bench for a little TLC.

It's strange.  I've had my old Super Reverb, a Traynor ycv40wr and my Dlite have troubles in the past month or so....now the Overtone.  Hmmmm.....

No worries though.
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