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Author Topic: Speaker choice  (Read 37216 times)
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« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2008, 01:06:19 AM »

Marin,  I would say yes to the smooth, pronounced midrange and rolled off highs as characteristics of the EVM.  I have not seen a graph of the frequency response of this speaker, but my own ears are sending signals that trigger some pleasing neurotransmitters in my brain.  It makes me want to keep playing just to hear the tones.

I'm enjoying your YouTube clips.  Great playing and great tone.  Keep them coming.

I bought the EVM-12L after reading several comments from the ampgarage forum regarding speaker selection.  I read somewhere that this was Alexander Dumble's speaker of choice for his amps.

I also agree that the cabinet design is a significant factor in the tone.  I would add that the type of wood used in the speaker cabinet can enhance or diminish certain frequencies.  I think the same attention we give to woods in a guitar should be also given to the woods of the cab.  My preference is for tone woods (I've used maple, bubinga, purple heart, teak, and padouk).  I think these sound better and look great.  I'm somewhat surprised that almost every amp manufacturer uses tolex over some type of wood.  It's probably significantly more expensive to use more expensive woods and not be able to cover up mistakes.  I don't see anyone playing a guitar with fabric or tolex covering the wood.
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« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2008, 07:59:23 PM »

I only have a few hours in on my new Overtone Special but I have used that time to see what kind of tone you can get with some different speakers. I have a 2x12 Avatar (open back) Cabinet with a Vintage 30 and a G12H30 and I have a 2X12 combo amp with two vintage  Rola Celestion G12-65s. After AB'ing them, the Avatar Cab sounds much better. Putting all 4 in parallel at 4 ohms does not seem to improve the overall sound much, if at all.  I am using very articulate cables (George L 1.55 guitar to amp, Mogami speaker connection) for the Avatar cab, and a less articulate cable to the Rolas so the jury is not totally out yet.  What can say is that the Avatar/V30/G12H combo sounds very, very good (It also sounds very good with my THD Bivalve).  This combo has a nice tight bottom end,  a very smooth transition to break up and very articulate highs, good harmonics, and no harshness at any volume. At this point I would not hype the G12-65 as THE speaker. My guess is there are a lot of speaker and /or speaker combinations that make sense for this amp. It is also my guess that this amp will make almost any speaker (with an adequate rating) sound good. It is just a matter of how good you want to sound!
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« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2008, 12:33:14 AM »

I'm using 2 separate poplar cabs with a 12-65 and an EV.  Together they sound awesome.  Separate they sound good.  The EV is an old Boogie 200 watt Black Shadow.  Not sure if it's the same as new EVs.
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« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2010, 06:53:32 PM »

I'm getting the 100 watts Bluesmaster. What about a combination of the 12-65 and the EVM-12L? Would that be recommended? And are we talking about the classic or black label EV?
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« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2010, 08:03:05 PM »

Good point! Thanks, ToneQuest!
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« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2010, 10:21:51 PM »

I play mostly Strats and I love my OTS through two (2) 1x12 cabs.  One cab is loaded with a EVM12l and other is a Two Rock Sig Cab with their 1265R.  The two come together real nice for me.  If I only had one choice, would be EVM12l for my tone needs. 
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« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2010, 10:43:14 PM »

So is it Two-Rocks own speaker or is it a celestion? Is it like ToneQuest suggests, that the EV takes out the 12-65 in volume?
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« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2010, 01:22:29 AM »

 The two rock g-12-65  are made by Warehouse guitar speakers ( the ols TR 65's were made by eminence BTW) and are clones of the Celestion Heritige G-12-65 with a slightly different cone.

-Greg D. Clark

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« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2010, 02:04:18 AM »

My amp is an ODS 50 watt.   I have a 10 tone tubby hemp cone used in combo with an old celestian G35 10 and they sound awesome.   If I want more bottom I also used an old cube Mesa 12 inch cab with a 100 watt celestian.   I have tried eminence, and weber svt, all tone 12, and on and on.   I really like the tone of the tone tubby and the speaker distortion I can get with the celestian at lower volumes.  I especially like the weight factor in my combo
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« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2010, 03:10:09 PM »

Yeah, every one is talking well about the EV as a high powered professional speaker (200W, nice cleans, headroom, etc....).

I'm not sure that I need that. Lets face it: I am a home player now.

Even the G12-65 is quite powerful for a home studio environment and I am actually planning to put it in a iso-cab. I find that it is well EQ-ed for me even at low volumes. Does the EV need to be cranked to sound good?

I'm wondering if the EV can be of interest to me if needs to be a concert-stage volume level?

Am wrong/right/saying BS?


the g12-65 is a nice speaker at  low and moderate volumes however you just lose the sparkle at higher volumes. hence peoples preference for the EVM-12l.  as i turn my g1265 up it colors the sound too much and becomes muddy. so i plan to use the g12-65 in a second cab for gigs  to give me extra oomph. ... and i am putting an evm 12l in the combo for everything else. i believe the evm will not change its characteristics too much as its turned up.

once it arrives and i have it fitted i will post my opinions .
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 03:13:01 PM by mr fabulous » Logged
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« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2010, 07:06:08 AM »

The EVM12L is a completely different speaker. It has way more highs and less low end compared to the G12-65.
F.e. cleans with EVM12L has a different tonal pallette; it's like playing a completely different amp.
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« Reply #26 on: July 03, 2010, 10:49:20 AM »

Hi Guys,

i think I've posted this before for speaker comparison

Now some experience shearing:
We have built two 4x10 cabs for very dedicated player from Portugal. One with Jensen tornados and another one with Celestion gold’s – GOLDS are the best – period!
Jensens were bit dark but cab is much lighter than with gold.

All time champion was vertical (Robben style open back)  2x12 with EV on the bottom and Fane 12AXA alnico on the top. HUGE sound and very balanced, sweet tone. Speakers were 16 ohm each. They were in parallel for 8ohm and safety if one blows (which is unlikely). But downside is that cab is VERY heavy, two heavy speakers plus 18mm Baltic birch plywood.
Another great 2x12 is Celestion G12-65s  or Alnico Ggolds or if you are looking for huge lows than Celestion G12 K-100s.
For the lighter 2x12 cab Jensen tornados are great, very smooth tone.
My personal favorite is small, closed back, front ported, tuned cab with EV or new Fane studio 12L speaker .

Founder and technical director of the Custom Cabinet Company – CCC
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« Reply #27 on: July 03, 2010, 09:23:51 PM »

Portugal, you say? Well, seems we have quite a ceriatone OTS fan base around these parts...  Smiley 

On the topic, I made myself a 2x12" cab based around the TL806 design (actually, a couple of these boxes in the same enclosure) and loaded it with two Eminence Delta Pro12a speakers. It sounds TERRIFIC with the OTS! It's got this loud, clear and assertive tone. Huge low end, no mid humps, no bright spikes. Beautiful.

It is quite heavy though. I wonder how the Tornados or the deltalites would compare...
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« Reply #28 on: July 22, 2010, 07:15:35 PM »

I spent  a good part of 4 days swappign different WGS speakers in and out of my morgan 2x12 cabinet. I found that the punch mids in the veteran 30s gave the overdrive channel what i was looking for with all switches down and the "boost", or eq delete, engaged. The veteran 30s are slightly different from the celestions - they don't have the upper mid "peak" that you hear in the new v30's - they are much smoother like a broken in v30.


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« Reply #29 on: July 22, 2010, 08:24:45 PM »

I spent  a good part of 4 days swappign different WGS speakers in and out of my morgan 2x12 cabinet. I found that the punch mids in the veteran 30s gave the overdrive channel what i was looking for with all switches down and the "boost", or eq delete, engaged. The veteran 30s are slightly different from the celestions - they don't have the upper mid "peak" that you hear in the new v30's - they are much smoother like a broken in v30.

Does the Veteran 30 colour your tone? From my experience the Celestion Vintage 30 speaker adds a certain flavour which makes the overall sound real mid heavy so you lose clarity and sparkle when playing clean.... overdriven it sounds quite good but it will make the cleans sound a bit dull imo...

I use Celestion G12-65 Heritage speakers which I really like with my OTS...
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