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Author Topic: Got my FM50 with builtin Clator today  (Read 17749 times)
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« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2011, 12:20:39 PM »

Hi Chris,

thank you very much for your opinion and it really was nice to hear that you like it. We make music for ourselves but then i guess we all like it if it is liked. You are right i love prog rock...and pink floyd is very cool. I wished i had 1% of JH talent too. Not fishing for compliments now, but i am very limited at the moment but the nice thing is while you try to get the stuff out of your head one learns.

As far i can say the OTS is a marvelous tone machine, it takes a while to understand it though but i will give it a shot once i am finished with my training course, then it's gonna be music, music, music ;-)
The solo on Journey is played by my friend Tom Redmann who is really a gifted player, i have written this song for a friend who passed away very suddenly. It has to be recorded properly.

What do you play Chris? Thanks again for your nice comment Chris and keep "rocking the house"!  ;-)

(I thought always that this amp has a lot of potential to be used outside of RF style and when you put a M-173/108 Fuzz and a Dirty Bomb on it is just very cool)
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« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2011, 01:43:06 AM »

What do you play Chris?
If you mean influences, I'm sort of all over the map. (to a point) at one point or the other I was heavy into anything from John McLaughlin, Santana, Jeff Beck, Steve Morse to Pat Metheny, Lary Carlton, Mike Sipe, to my prog rock, David Gilmour, Steve Howe, Robert Fripp. And then there's Jimi....Hendrix & Page, and even Jerry Garcia (an no, I'm not a dead head) just like to hear someone take guitar around & around. There's a bunch more, but that sums it up pretty well.

(I thought always that this amp has a lot of potential to be used outside of RF style and when you put a M-173/108 Fuzz and a Dirty Bomb on it is just very cool)
Yeah, I have a bunch of nifty pedals that I'm anxious to try out on the HRM 50. I've been sort of holding off putting anything in front of the amp just yet. I'm soaking in all the goodness just by itself.  Wink I do have a few hand built fuzz's and a Xotic BB preamp that I'm thinking will sound killer. And a nice optical compressor & clone UniVibe that always sound cool. I'm getting there.

I'm building the head cabinet myself and still have to put speakers in the cabinet I have for this setup. I'm almost finished the head and about to pull the trigger on some speakers. I left room in the head to put a C/D-lator. I haven't decided whether to buy the C-lator kit or source the parts myself and build a D-lator. Probably the later.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 01:46:54 AM by SoundPerf » Logged


Ceriatone HRM 50
w/self built Dumblelator
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« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2011, 02:29:52 AM »

that's all good stuff and i think you are very right, literally there's no need for pedals. The amp has really a huge range of sounds i just found out that using effects very subtle has it's own magic. If you have a good tip for a cool sounding Univibe it would be appreciated!

Wow, that's cool you build it yourself, for sure i will have another of Nik's babies and then i'll try the same probably.
Sold my MF400 4x12 recently and run the FM at the moment through the 2x12 speakers of the Blackstar (Celestion Vintage 30's) very good clean sounds. But i am planning to make or buy another 2x12 Cab for the FM. I want to run a dual amp setup then guess that's gonna be a real interesting sound. What speakers you are thinking of? Know a lot of guys take two different speakers in. Thinking of G12H's or Classic Lead. Let me hear something once you're done Chris.

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« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2011, 04:59:05 AM »

I built the Univibe myself. It's based on the R.G. Keen design www.geofex.com (which is just about an exact reproduction of the original) & what is known as the "ForumVibe" from here http://classicamplification.net/Forumvibe/ForumVibe_File.htm

It sounds great, much like the original. Probably better in someways. I found most present day Univibes don't cut it sound wise. Or they are way to expensive if they do sound good. I would suggest a Fultone DejaVibe http://www.fulltone.com/stpframe.html if I was to buy one retail. I actually did own one (an older version) and I liked it a bunch. But, sold it like a dummy. Although I'm happy now with mine. I will get some clips up sometime soon...I hope.
P.S. I just playing through a Vintage 30 from another amp also. I'm looking to get a G12-65 type speaker(s).

Here's some pics of the one I built.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 05:04:39 AM by SoundPerf » Logged


Ceriatone HRM 50
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« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2011, 08:37:17 PM »

That looks very cool! I may have to build one of those...

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« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2011, 05:52:40 AM »

Yes...nice job Chris and it sounds very interesting.
Guess it's not very easy to build one yourself, for this i would like to dig into electronics.
Thanks for your tip Chris, i probably should start a course in electronics and soldering!

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« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2011, 05:07:32 PM »

Yes...nice job Chris and it sounds very interesting.
Guess it's not very easy to build one yourself, for this i would like to dig into electronics.
Thanks for your tip Chris, i probably should start a course in electronics and soldering!
I would offer to build one for you if you were not so far away. It would be cheaper to buy one then to pay for all the shipping and everything.


Ceriatone HRM 50
w/self built Dumblelator
Avatar 2X12 w/WGS ET-65 & Veteran 30
TC Electronic 2290
2001 PRS McCarty
2010 PRS 513 Swamp Ash
Tacoma JK50C
Seagull S12+
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