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Author Topic: Overdrive Special has very low volume  (Read 3553 times)
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« on: September 19, 2013, 05:51:09 AM »

Hi, built with support from a friend a Over Special (Ceriatone), all went well for a few weeks then it sounded a but crackly (like a guitar plug being pulled out of the jack on a guitar while the amps on) and then sound was virtually non existent.
I pulled it apart. tried the old chop stick trick and found one wire that crackle slight on the first preamp valve but nothing major, I also notice it was the only set of valve pins I could tap and here through the speaker box, each preamp after that was dead quite if I tap the resistors etc
Any help appreciated

I found that switching the Ax7s around i could get it to be a bit louder, that led me to believe it was these.
Swapped them out for some old ones I had and volume is back to normal
My question would be..
Given the amp is but a few weeks old, whats more likely.. The Ax7 was faulty from the start, band new JJs or that there is something that is causing it.. (maybe time will tell)
Off to buy some more Ax7s

your feedback would be appreciated..
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 06:41:35 AM by Kmiommi » Logged
T Wilcox
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« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2013, 11:43:57 PM »

More than likely it is just bad tubes but I do suggest checking all your voltages and compare them with the voltage chart which is located on the ceriatone website
Here http://www.ceriatone.com/tlbrBorderSub/link.htm


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