You strike me as someone who wouldn't know Pulse Width Modulation from a Permanently Withered Moron. You might be able to describe the difference between a non-inverting vs an inverting amplifier stage. The concept of a virtual ground might be pushing things however.
An AB763 too long to build you say? Geez, I better forget about the Bright Switch for both channels. A capacitor and switch might take years to add.
Like it's 1980 all over again........, er, ah, 1965 for a DRRI.
You are ignorant sir. amps take hours to build by hand. This isnt a PCB fender that a robot solders together in 30 seconds it's a handmade amp that is carefully constructed. I think you should build an amp before you talk shit. If you had, you'd know how hard it would be to implement the features you want and you'd know how long it'd take, and that the amp would need to be about the size of a small car if you wired it all PCB like Nik does all his amps.
Er dude, ever seen RADAR? Avionics? UNIX servers? Ever built a PC from the ground up?
Let's face it, we're not talking klystron tubes here.
PS: I've been shocked by 5000 VDC. The doctor said it might have caused brain damage. Certainly not "ignorant" however.