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1  Community / Classifieds / OTS 50 Watt with built in C-Lator for sale on: September 19, 2013, 05:29:57 PM
Hi!  I have a 50W OTS Head with Mercury Magnet Tranny, all of the 2 way switches are 3 way for more customized tone options, and two extra internal snubber switches to add bass/cut highs/etc.  It actually has a C-Lator built into the cab!  Its a really sweet rig and very convenient to have the amp head and C-Lator in one package.  Let me know if you're interested  I can email you pics too.  It looks super sweet.  It was $2,100 plus 6 weeks to get to me.  It is in perfect condition and only played at a few large gigs and handled by me personally.  I have another OTS I love too and am looking to get a Two Rock to try out.

Priced to sell at $1,600 shipped and I'll put it in the mail immediately.  This amp was built by Nik
2  Community / Classifieds / Re: Ceriatone OTS 50 watt for SALE on: September 19, 2013, 05:24:31 PM
Hi!  I have a 50W OTS with Mercury Magnet Tranny, all of the 2 way switches are 3 way for more customized tone options, and two extra internal snubber switches to add bass/cut highs/etc.  It actually has a C-Lator built into the cab!  Its a really sweet rig and very convenient to have the amp head and C-Lator in one package.  Let me know if you're interested  I can email you pics too.
3  Community / Classifieds / Re: OTS In Australia? on: September 19, 2013, 05:23:37 PM
Hi!  I have a 50W OTS with Mercury Magnet Tranny, all of the 2 way switches are 3 way for more customized tone options, and two extra internal snubber switches to add bass/cut highs/etc.  It actually has a C-Lator built into the cab!  Its a really sweet rig and very convenient to have the amp head and C-Lator in one package.  Let me know if you're interested  I can email you pics too.
4  Ceriatone / SSS / Re: HELP TO FIND AN CERIATONE AMP IN GERMANY on: September 19, 2013, 05:12:29 PM

I have an OTS 50W with all of the upgrades and a C-Lator built into the head.  I can nail that tone no problem with that amp.  I actually have 2 and am looking to sell one.  I wouldn't mind shipping internationally either.  Just let me know if you want more details or pics.  Nik built it himself.
5  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Calling all OTS Owners: What pedals and what music are you playing on: April 19, 2012, 09:48:57 PM
Everyone seems to have some really nice tones and good selections.  After playing my amp some more I am building a new board.  Here is what will make the final cut:  Amp->Tuner->Wilson Freaker Wah->Fulltone OCD->Wilson Deluxe Haze Vibe with one of his Fuz Pedals built in to the same housing (prototype 1of1 should be cool!) -> Red Llama -> VanAmps SoleMate Spring Reverb Unit    ->guitar.  The I will just be running a delay in the C-Lator.  I have to sell my DD7 because it does way too much for me.  I will be using a AquaPuss I think.
6  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: OTS with reverb from SSS?? on: April 17, 2012, 03:23:12 AM
That is the only thing I really miss from my Fender amps.  I love reverb and just got a VanAmps Sole Mate spring unit.  Relatively small BUT, I plugged it into the C-Lator and it does nothing!  Very confusing.  I have it hooked up properly and even tried switching out and ins.  hmmmm I have no clue what is going on.  I need to plug it in the front and see if it works.  When I get this thing working, I might mount it in the head cab to keep it all tucked away.  OTS with built in tank would be SWEET!
7  Website, Store / Suggestions / Re: Isn't Ceriatone a Boutique manufacturer? on: February 29, 2012, 08:36:41 PM
BUMP.  No comments on the logo still?  Maybe I am crazy but I loved it
8  Ceriatone / Overtone / Building 2nd cab: 1x12 open back. Anyone have dimensions/recommendations on: February 29, 2012, 08:29:01 PM
Hey guys!  I made a 2x12 vertical closed back cab.  It sounds great but I miss the airy dispersion of an open back cab.  What is the best design for a normal OTS 50W head?  I have googled a little for plans but can't seem to find any.  I would love some help, plans, etc.  Thanks!
9  Website, Store / Suggestions / Re: Power Scaling on: February 21, 2012, 04:19:53 AM
So with this one little pot (VVR), you can crank your amp, and just adjust this to your own taste to achieve huge tone at low levels?  This is a no brainer. If it works this way I will be doing it immediately!
10  Website, Store / Suggestions / Re: Isn't Ceriatone a Boutique manufacturer? on: February 21, 2012, 03:41:07 AM
I am glad this came up.  I love the OTS and Nik is top notch builder.  I tried to start a thread about a month ago and it didn't get any replies.  Please let me know what you think.  It said:

"I just ran in to this old thread and HAD to join the forum just to reply and bring this to everyone's attention.  This guy is on to something.  The only competitors for Ceriatone charge a ton of money because they have recognizable brands, familiar logos, etc.  This is by far the most attractive logo I have seen for an amp manufacturer/builder.  A top notch logo/symbol attached to Nik's craftsmanship would be a winning combination that could afford Nik to design more amps and/or gain much deserved recognition.

This will turn Ceriatone into Two Rock, Dr. Z, Van Weelden, etc. as far as brand recognition and his quality would put him one step above.  Does anyone agree with me?  We are all tone kings here but sweet looks aint a bad addition.  Let me know your thoughts because I would pay this guy for his head cabs and he should work for/with Nik to make this a standardization.  Here is the old thread"


 Chair Dance
11  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Calling all OTS Owners: What pedals and what music are you playing on: January 26, 2012, 12:03:01 AM
Video of me using my HRM Link below:

You are right, it doesnt have to be Jazz !

Boss CE-5, Maxon OD-808 and Cry Baby up front, with Boss RDD-20 Delay in Loop, No Kleinulator/Buffer

Great tone man!  I love Medusa!!!  Great to hear and see what you are all playing.  Keep the posts coming!
12  Ceriatone / Overtone / WGS Speakers: What do you think about them and what for 1x12 on: January 24, 2012, 04:25:08 PM
I have heard great things about WGS speakers so decided to give them a try.  I ordered et65 and veteran 30 combo for my 2x12 which I will test this weekend and I bought a reaper hp for a 1x12.  I heard someone say that this speaker won't work but the WGS guys said it definitely will and said it was their personal favorite speaker.  What are your thoughts?
13  Ceriatone / Overtone / Calling all OTS Owners: What pedals and what music are you playing on: January 24, 2012, 04:19:18 PM
Ok all:  I thought this would be fun to list your pedal chains for your OTSs and C/D Lators and what type of music you play.  Lets also share settings.  The reason being, is on youtube, everyone is playing slow jazz (which I like) but these amps can also rock!  I have been very surprised with the versatility.  I will go first with my pedal chain so far....please don't be embarrassed.  There will always be someone with bigger and better pedals. 
My set up is simple and I wish I had others but it gets the job done. 
In the front chain:  hardwire multitune -> old crybaby way-> love pedal MagicBoy Vibe -> Ibanez TS808 -> Fulltone OCD -> Hendrix handwired FuzFace.  In the C-Lator:  Boss DD7 -> tc electronics Hall of Fame Reverb

Wish List:  Strymon Blue Sky Reverb, 60s vibe univibe, Wampler Plexi Drive
I play blues, rock, psychedelic rock, latin and hippie jam band stuff like Phish, Dead, Widespread. 
14  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: OTS 50W need help with unidentified switches by preamp tubes on: January 20, 2012, 02:24:49 AM
Thanks that was very helpful.  I was wanting a fat amp and very scared of it being too high pitched because I love bass and smooth mid with a little compressed overdrive/gain similar to a Santana or some of Warren Haynes Mesa sounds.  Nik did build the amp and answered my request by installing 3 way bright switch, 3 way mid boost, and "snubber switches V2".  Those snubber switches must be just what they are.  My question then can I flip these while the amp is on to test out the sound?  I apologize if these are stupid questions.  I am a player and play very well but I am not an electrical engineer.  At least I am trying right Embarrassed  I know this amp will be perfect for my playing needs and I understand most of how to operate other than a few things and like I said before I just don't want to blow anything up. Any of you coming to Indianapolis?  Drinks on me!!!!! 
15  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: OTS 50W need help with unidentified switches by preamp tubes on: January 19, 2012, 04:32:40 AM
Thanks for you quick response again.  You really know your stuff Grin  Do you recommend a position or if not, can I switch these while the amp is on with out hurting anything for a desired sound?  Thanks!
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