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1  Website, Store / General / Re: Experimenting w/Tubes in JTM-45?? on: November 30, 2012, 04:55:37 AM
I think el's would sound great as well, I just ended up with the kt's they seem to really bring out the best in my guitars.
If you end up using the greenbacks you"ll be using the amp and speaker combination that has shaped rock, rock/ blues etc... Can't go wrong. 

I always end up with closed back cab's for my Marshall type sound and open with my Fenders, although closed with a Bassman type sounds cool.

Even have one that's a convertable, but always end up with what I described, tried and true!

2  Website, Store / General / Re: Experimenting w/Tubes in JTM-45?? on: November 27, 2012, 03:17:57 AM
Hey great choice.
Rolling tubes is always fun. In my opinion the kt66's are THE tube for that amp.
Just love them with that circuit.  Pair it with some sweet alnico speakers and you have tone that can do great cleans and out of this world od.

Enjoy but let us know which bottles YOU end up liking.

What type of cab and speakers are you going to pair it up with?
3  Website, Store / General / Re: why I hate "gurus"... on: October 10, 2012, 06:42:54 AM
I would part with my vintage Vibrolux or my JTM 45 reissue long before I would ever think of selling my Ceriatone, due to reliability and part replacement issues.

Don't know why but this attitude just frosts my ass!

Everyone is an expert behind their keyboard, let's see how you rate behind 6 strings.

My Father had a saying for these people. Sexual Intellectual - fucking know it all's!

Sorry rant done blood pressure to normal. Love ya Nik.
4  Website, Store / General / Re: why I hate "gurus"... on: October 10, 2012, 06:32:44 AM
They know all, their way is the only way and have their mind made up before listening to an answer before it is even stated.
Now ask people who have built Nik's kits,or have purchased prebuilts we LOVE them a bad review on a Ceriatone is as rare as hens teeth (don't exist).

Some people are just cursed with knowing what's best for everyone else. The smart people let their ears and facts guide them.

The World needs more Nik's and less dicks!

Long live Ceriatone Long live Rock and Roll!
5  British Style / 20 Watt Lead, Bass / Re: Lead and Bass Honeymoon on: October 04, 2012, 07:41:26 AM
Sorry about grammar and spelling -stupid auto fill on phone and its late.

Still a great rig, hats off to Nik not Nike


6  British Style / 20 Watt Lead, Bass / Re: Lead and Bass Honeymoon on: October 04, 2012, 07:30:45 AM
Four years later and love it even more!
I since purchased a jtm 45 BB and a JCM 800 style. From Nike and in LOVE with all of them, but this little firecracker still is neatest my heart.

It just does it for me clean to mean and dirty in between.

If anyone is contemplating a 20 watter - do it I give it a 11 out of 10 lol.

Nike cheers to you its like fine wine-up back to my Stratocaster

7  Community / Reviews / Ceriatone Review on: January 26, 2009, 06:13:52 AM
Hope this is in the right place.

I purchased a pre-built Lead and Bass 20 watt from Ceriatone last summer.

I had a loss of volume and power, the only tech stuff I knew to do at the time was tube replacement and biasing.

Well Nik showed tremendous patience and taught me some simple and safe things for me to test.

He narrowed down the problem (component failure, nothing to do with QC etc..)
and sent me an expensive replacement part, before I could even pull the old one to send to him for evaluation.

Lo and behold rock and roll reigns again!

I know of no other company that allows the consumer, after admitting being a newb, to monkey around and use their product as a learning tool.

This is too much!

I will NEVER purchase a new amp again without first contacting Nik for something similar.

Unbeleivable, just the best customer service, it's very easy to answer emails, and questions when someone's giving you cash, but the rubber hits the road when an issue arises after purchase, and halfway around the World!

Sorry for the length u RAWK Nik

8  Website, Store / Support / Re: 20 watt lead and bass help on: January 13, 2009, 02:19:43 AM
It was the OT, thanks to Nik, the best!
9  Website, Store / Support / Re: 20 watt lead and bass help on: January 01, 2009, 06:50:00 AM
Hey thanks for the reply M

I am an expierenced player, but have not done too much techy stuff.

It was my understanding that if I used a matched set, with the same values as the original tubes from Nik, that re-biasing was not needed, since there is no bias pot on this model.

If it's not too much trouble could you please enlighten me, I don't know if I will do the work, I am just trying to get my head around this issue!

The circuit seems simple enough for me to at least narrow down the problem.

Anyway no worries Nik is on the job just wanted some opinons from expierenced builders.

10  Website, Store / Support / 20 watt lead and bass help on: December 31, 2008, 03:45:59 AM
I need some of your expert advice people.

Amp started motoboating/ sputtering, replaced power tubes, no issues for approx 1 hour, has lost power, it gives me a very weak signal-sound,(volume)  not even close to what it was b4.

I have numerous matched sets of tubes, pre and power tubes. Good connections, good power good speaker cab, all verified with other guitars-cables-cabinets-etc..

Same problem

What thinks u people? Thanks for any help

11  British Style / 20 Watt Lead, Bass / Re: Lead and Bass Honeymoon on: August 02, 2008, 12:02:20 AM
Hey Pastor,
I think we are the only two people in here.

I agree with you 100% on the jumpering.

What type of guitars do you use? How about the speaker and cab rig.

I am looking for any tips or tricks with this, I love it more each day!

I bought it to keep at home, I leave my performing rig at our rehearsal space, and now find instead ofsolving the problem of hauling equipment back and forth I have actually created the same problem only it's my 20 watter that I end up taking to practice!

I better get back to work, check on later.

Peace Steve
12  British Style / 20 Watt Lead, Bass / Lead and Bass Honeymoon on: July 30, 2008, 05:47:14 AM
It has been about one month since I took possesion of this, I bought the completed head in a cabinet.

I couldn't be happier, I love this amp, the build is excellent, sounds just like my 1987 plexi, only now I can run the power tubes full out!

It is less creamy- more punchy, if that makes sense, than the "Bluesbreaker" type sound. 

I run everything on 10, and use a TS 808 reissue with the gain down and level jacked.

This is my B side of my A-B rig, kind of using it as my distortion channel.

It is paired with one Celestion V-30, and one GH-12, closed back cab.

Anyway sorry for the length but I wanted to give a review from a players p.o.v., as I am not a builder. It was just as described and I believe that this is a tremendous deal, Nik is the greatest and the product exceeded all my expectations.

I will be placing another order in the future.

13  British Style / 20 Watt Lead, Bass / Finished cab size? on: June 19, 2008, 04:25:36 AM
Newbie here.

I just ordered the 20Watt Lead and Bass package with cabinet from Nik, and he has been so helpful I don't want to bother him again.

So my question is if anyone knows (approx) cab dimensions of the finished cabinet.

Thanks for any help.

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