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Website, Store / / nag messages
on: May 18, 2009, 06:21:12 AM
Whats with the nag message every few days asking for donation from Ceriatone? I understand the importance of donation but sending spam emails every few days isn't gonna make people want to donate.
British Style / Plexi Lead, Bass, Superlead / Re: how loud is your 1987?
on: November 12, 2008, 03:04:26 PM
I brought the 1987 head to a practice once but could not bring the 4x12 because it's way too big. So I made a connector with alligator clips (I wouldn't try this at home... if the clips come off the output transformer is gone) on one end and speaker jacks on the other end so I could hook up to the speakers in the amp they have. They have a Roland JC-120 which I assume it's a 100 watt solid state amp. It doesn't sound like what I want it to sound which is why I decided to hook up my head (it's either that or a Marshall MG50... yuck)
It's loud with master and volume on 10 but I wished it could be louder. But then again it could be because the speakers in the roland JC-120 isn't designed for a valve amp??
I think speakers have a huge impact on the volume though because I tried a 10 inch speaker which was so so at 10, and a 4x12 box which was MUCH louder at 10.
British Style / Plexi Lead, Bass, Superlead / modding a 1987 for loudness
on: October 26, 2008, 12:25:10 AM
I read the thread that the 1987 isn't loud enough. I'd say it probably has more to do with speakers though since for my 1987 the volume difference between a 1x10 and 4x12 cab is night and day. However assuming that you keep as much part as you need (like using the same transformer) what kind of modification can one do to a 1987 to make it louder or increase its headroom without buying a new amp? I was thinking how about changing the power tube from 2 EL34 to 4 6L6? the 6L6 has less heater draw so I think the transformer could do it...
Custom amp building, Prototypes and other amps / Discussion / Re: Converting one of niks kits to a bass amp
on: June 23, 2008, 12:34:51 AM
Would it be possible? how bout the super bass running kt88's? would need to run at least 200 watts to keep up with the band.
I think having the right speaker is more important than having a high wattage amp. For example I have a Plexi 1987 lead which is 50 watts running on a 10 inch speaker and made horrible bass amp (distorts too much) but I put it on a 4x12 cab and the bass response became much better and I tried using it as a subwoofer to watch a movie and it worked great... (I didn't have a bass so I tried to simulate bass sounds by watching a movie with lots of explosions and stuff) The bassman is really a bass amp but I really think it's the speaker that matters more, something that can handle low frequency and has a large enough cone area or movement to produce the frequency as well as good sensitivity. Try some 10 or 12 inch subwoofer speaker in a 4 speaker configuration... Also with a guitar amp such as a plexi 50 lead I think a preamp in front of the input is needed because bass needs more signal strength... like an active pickup or just a simple preamp that can enhance the low frequencies.
Website, Store / Suggestions / Re: an integrated dumbleator
on: June 13, 2008, 10:18:02 PM
I second that notion. Plans for tube based (or solid state) dumbleator is available on the internet, but the issue is having enough chassis space for the parts since most amp Nik offers except for the 100 watt plexi, 45/100, and JCM800 2203 are pretty cramped. So the issue is having a custom chassis or faceplate and having reverb and dumbleator integrated into the amp. Maybe for like 150 extra could have both integrated (thats how much it costs me in parts)
Website, Store / Suggestions / an integrated dumbleator
on: June 13, 2008, 04:36:05 AM
I noticed the klienulator is for sale now, but for those getting a new amp from Nik is there a possibility of having one integrated into the amp itself for less cost as well as a cleaner look?
Website, Store / General / all these new amps
on: June 01, 2008, 02:40:11 AM
Can anyone give a description for all these new amps, like super bass 100, plexi brown 100, and etc?
Do you think Nik will make a larger chassis that follows the basic layout of a given amp so I can have space to put a built in dumbleator as well as a tube reverb?
British Style / Plexi Lead, Bass, Superlead / Re: adding effect loop to the plexi
on: May 24, 2008, 03:01:49 AM
Actually, I have a tube spring reverb right after the insert loop, which nik says it automatically buffers the signal anyways since if you really think about it, the reverb first boosts the signal before going into the tank then boosts again to line level after leaving the tank...
British Style / Plexi Lead, Bass, Superlead / Re: 1987 plexi in the house!
on: May 22, 2008, 03:00:34 AM
Amp sounds fantastic. I seem to lose a little gain when the effect loop is active. Master sounds pretty good. I'm VERY happy with this amp. It's really a fabulous rock and blues machine.
I also love this amp, with the master volume you can dial your volume for bedroom playing (even with a 4x12) or stage volume when you need it. It gets VERY loud fully cranked and possibly too loud on stage too... This isn't like other amps like 18 watt where power amp distortion is needed for good tone, it's like a JCM800 where the sound comes from preamp and power amp distortion is typically f----ing loud, so the master volume works great. The in between is great for blues and cleans are good enough for church or jazz playing. The cranked tone can be used in modern metal however for that ultra high gain you'd need a pedal.