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286  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: December 26, 2009, 03:40:20 PM

 now if I could only get my singing up to par with my playing  Grin
287  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: December 25, 2009, 02:29:26 PM
Yeah it does have the Skyliner Eq,I specifically asked for it. The skyline Eq seems to have more frequency bandwidth
288  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Looking to buy an overtone but you can't make your mind? on: December 25, 2009, 12:13:57 AM
:Bump: for the next guy. A lot of folks are getting confused on this amp,as was I.
289  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: New member here, question about HRM. on: December 25, 2009, 12:11:58 AM
Here's all the difference

290  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Two Rock 1265R Tonal Differences than EVM12L Speaker on: December 25, 2009, 12:07:03 AM
Oh My Bad your right two 8ohm breaks down into 4 ohm


Good thing the Overtone has a multi-tap trany to switch ohm loads
291  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Which model, please help - I'm confused! on: December 24, 2009, 11:57:56 PM
Here ya go - hope this helps!

Non Hrm classiq EQ is the oldest style of dumble amp. A bit more rooted in the
raw fenderish tone. This is the amp that made his reputation. This
would be like early Lindley, Browne, Lowell George, the first
incarnation of his amps.
It can sustain like a mofo! It is a singing OD for sure.
Not much compression, very touch sensitive and dynamic....

Second the Non-HRM Skyliner EQ {REGULAR OVERTONE}  low plate is a variation of the above. Dumble modded
several of his older amps with a new tone stack he was developing,
know as the skyline eq because it's output viewed on a scope resembled
a city skyline.
It is a little less Fender but still a somewhat lower gain affair. It
has the same gain as the vintage amp but the new EQ is more "signature dumble" and a little less Fender. Improved cleans from th Vintage model.
It still sustains like a mofo, has a bit better string to string definition and is a little more refined in the tone shaping.

Non-HRM Skyliner EQ  high plate is where he went next, same as above but now the
gain staging is not classic fender. It has more headroom, definition, and punch, more lively and responsive cleans, smoother OD, and a small bit of compression, very touch sensitive, lots of sweet singing tones.

HRM Skyliner EQ{OVERTONE HRM}   HRM stands for
"Hot Rubber Monkey". This is a second tone stack just for the OD
channel. It is more or less a Marshall style tone stack this allows tone
shaping of the OD independent of the cleans.
A real Dumble of this ilk would be called a Skyline HRM. Smooth as silk, goes from clean to mean like no ones biz. Transition
between is amazing. You can pick clean, a bit dirty, grinding, soaring, all
with your hand and all smoothly with definition. No rasp or buzz. Very refined. Gorgeous smooth tones. A little more compression that the above amps but not in a bad way. Very natural. The dynamic response is second to none. This amps feels like it breathes with you after awhile.
Smooth singing overdrive, completely dynamic, never any rasp or buzz, no IM distortion or other uglies.

Blues Master. {OVERTONE BLUESMASTER} Think raw early Fender/Marshall
tone on steroids. The tone stack is decidedly bassman territory,
however because of Dumbles many other difference it is far better IMO.
The cleans here are the best cleans I think I have ever heard, dumble
or otherwise. The cleans will sing and sustain!!! The OD is much less smooth and much less compressed than the above amps. It has some early Marshall vibe to it. Boosted cleans with this amp are to die for. The OD is a bit more raw and edgy then some of the other offerings but with boosted cleans you get the smooth side of things and with the OD you have a less polite and refined tone.
Somewhat like the first Dumbles, though different. Lots of punch, sustain and singing but not as smooth as some of the other offerings. This one can be thick and dense too. Not dark and crappy, just "meaty"...
Open clean cleans to mean and a little rude.
Big fat sick blues machine. Lots of character or soul. This amp will try and steal you girl.Like a tuxedo on a cowboy?.... It can play nice but it can still stomp in the dirt.
last is the same as above with the HRM OD tone stack which gives a little more tone shaping and refining in the OD section.

FWIW Non_Hrm Skyliner EQ High plater is basically the OTS

The S&M has a slight variation of the standard Overtone...
292  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: December 24, 2009, 11:53:15 PM

Yeah bluesmaster(high plate/skyliner)......It came alive when I got to turn it up for the first time.

I can't wait to put some NOS pre amp tubes in it.
293  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: December 24, 2009, 10:48:32 PM
 I went to a open mic last night and played. I will do some better video's @ home.
The sound quality is pretty bad,Sorry for the singing.

The clip is kinda shaky too  Embarrassed

294  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: December 24, 2009, 12:29:37 AM
My Bluesmaster 100w nails SRV tones in the clean channel
I love the amp with the Ev in a 1x12
295  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Two Rock 1265R Tonal Differences than EVM12L Speaker on: December 24, 2009, 12:27:48 AM
just plug both cabs in and put the imp. selector at 16 ohms.....I have never tried both the Ev and the TW65 at the same time but I think I will try it in the future since I have a 2x12 empty.

The pedal changes your bass responce because it is going threw another tonestack(EQ)  in the pedal.

Do you have it near a wall?
Do you have anything on top of the cab?
296  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Looking to buy an overtone but you can't make your mind? on: December 23, 2009, 10:45:25 PM
Unfortunatly I can't suggest any clips but I will have some vids and clips after
X-mas. The 50 watter will not be as full and rich sounding.If you are lookin for
good cleans I would suggest the 100w. If you are lookin for some grit ealier then go for the 50w. If you are considering getting one built e-mail Jon @ Mill Creek Audio:
here:  jmernyk@comcast.net  He will voice it specifically for you and use different transformers to suit your taste and the price will be the same as Ceriatone.
You can give him a downpayment and he will get the ball rollin for you.
297  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Two Rock 1265R Tonal Differences than EVM12L Speaker on: December 23, 2009, 10:38:27 PM
the Ev is a full range speaker so it can handle the bass frequencies alot better
Overdrive is a little harder to get some grit.

The tw65 is thin sounding compared to the Ev.
It does handle Od better but the cleans are to die for with the Ev
The Tw65 is Mid rangey to my ears,it is basically a clone of the Celestion G12-65

I guess it all depends on the application you are using it for,also the cabinet you are getting will preserve the lows on the Tw65 and with the Ev will sound a bit thicker
298  Ceriatone / Overtone / Looking to buy an overtone but you can't make your mind? on: December 23, 2009, 05:47:34 PM
Hello All,

 Well I am currently an owner of a Overtone HRM Bluesmaster and I figured I will write a review on it.This is for all the people that are looking to buy a Ceriatone OT and can't make up their mind.

P.S. If you have an Overtone (any kind) please try to write a detailed review on it here so people will know what there getting in to, You Dig?

Well to start I would like to say that my amp was not built from Ceriatone.It was made by Jon Mernyck of Mill Creek Audio who's also has a reputation for making Mic Pre-Amps for recording alike.To say a few words about him would be: Great to work with,very understanding and open to new ideas as well as having some of his own.

   My amp is an Overtone HRM Bluesmaster 100w, 4x6l6, 3x12ax7 Twin Reverb Power xformer/choke, Fender tone-master Output xformer

    Slightly modified to be not as bright as the orig.+ the OD was also changed
to be a little more like the standard HRM

Amp is very Open,Clear,and when people say that that d-style amps are a musical
extension of your hands they are not kidding at all,people say they are fender like ,but they really feel like a different animal to me.

The amp was easy to let me dial in a clean tone,I am using one older Ev-12-L
in a closed back cabinet .

The cleans:

Are huge when paired with the right speaker and have the most refined Bass I have ever heard in an amp.It is very Chimey bell like tones but it feels Hi-def almost.Clean channel note separation is also very nice and revealing. I usually set my Pre-amp volume at 4-5 with the bright switch engaged with a Strat and all I do for humbucking guitars is turn the bright switch push/pull to OFF.The Clean Master is set to suit my surrounding.

The Pre-amp Boost (PAB):

   Toggled via the foot switch and can make your volume cut right threw the mix (plus is seems to add a slight high end while not sounding ice-pickey and retaining most of its mid roundness)-very useful.Also there is a footswitch to change channels.

ROCK/JAZZ switch:

   I have kept it in the rock position for the most part.It seems to act like a clean boost unveiling some of the mid-range/bass/ and treble.In addition to that there is a MID BOOST and a DEEP switch,the MID BOOST switch has remained in the on position and the Deep switch can be turned to suit the guitar you are playing i.e. Humbucker OFF ,Single Coil ON.

The EQ (tone-stack)

    Can be very sensitive and should be adjusted with knowledge that a subtle change can make a big impact. My T,M,B are all set under 12:00
and it remains to have the characteristics described above. So all that said, adjust
with attention to detail.

OD Side:

  Things can be complicated until you get to know the sound you are are trying to achieve. With the OD side,setting the Trimmer is a crucial part of the equation and should be moved slightly to taste. There is also Trimmers for the OD for T.M.B. and should also be set to taste. From my experience so far the OD is unlike any other I've played and definitely is very expressive.You will learn to play different to accommodate to these amps and like I said before they feel like they are an extension of yourself.

Before setting trimmers you should:

      They contain HIGH voltage and you can be Hurt or even KILLED!!

    My Trimmer is set just before 9:00 and then I turn the drive setting between 6-7 and set the OD master(level) depending on how much gain I desire and how loud I want to play. The HRM Bluesmaster has a TON of Gain available and can be used to suit multi-genres.

      I use a
Electro-Harmonix Holy Grail in the loop without a D-lator until I
get one and it sounds fine,keep in mind I am just using small 6 inch patch cords and setting it on top of my amp.

The Effects loop can not handle long cable runs and multiple effects units without a dumbleator (buffer/imp.-match),


The amp is expecting to see the high level that the pre-amp pushes out, unmolested, back to the power amp.  A small patch cord can be run in the loop
without a d-lator to smooth out the highs.

The amp works great with Pedals,  In addition It Is really Quiet!!!

  Overall I still have some learning to do,but the amp is GREAT so far.I think
It will be a good tool for expressing myself musically and its nice to not to have to fight with the amp to get the goods at lower volumes too. Probably the most usable master volume I have ever used.

Pick your amp accordingly to what you want,do your homework,get a builder to build it for you so you can get exactly what you want.If you don't like it get mods done to cature to your style.There are many mods that can be done to this amp, so you have to know that after your amp is done and you have had brief expierience with it. If you  think it is not what you had in mind,find someone you can filter your ideas,do some R&D and get some mods,Don't give up on your amp.Some people expect to have instant dumble Mojo and quit.The Ots is only a building block to the equation........The rest is your fingers and ears

The amp takes some getting used to but when you get it dialed you will be impressed from the minute you flick the standby off!!

299  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Pics of completed Overtones on: December 22, 2009, 12:38:26 AM
Its finally here after a LONG wait..........Still gotta do the grillcloth.
These headcases have quite an interesting smell to them...Is that just me?
300  Community / Classifieds / Avatar 2x12 Traditional cab for trade for a Kleinulator on: December 15, 2009, 11:30:11 PM
Avatar 2x12 Traditional cab for trade for a Kleinulator + shipping for the cab.

(shipping is about $50 pending on where you live)

Call: (716)240-4893 or (716)207-2786

Or e-mail me at Boldaslove6789@yahoo.com

I am interested in other stuff to......What'cha ya got?

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