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271  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Rock/Pop/Alternative music -> Overtone ? on: January 12, 2010, 07:39:05 PM

  I feel you man, Me too. I am not at all a Fusion player,although I do like to listen to some.

  The Mayer tone has alot to do with his fingers,his two rocks/dumble's,and his under-wound pickups.

 The Ceriatone amp can do the Two Rock. You might have to do a few mods (or get some one else to do them). The Two Rock that Mayer plays only does one thing, Big Clean sounds Reminiscent of The Dumble SSS Topology,all of the OD or Gain you hear is from pedals.

All his TW amps are essentially a modified Custom Reverb Sig.'s I have pic's of one inside and out so if you want to see it PM me. On top of the T.W.'s he plays a Steel String Singer. It is a one channel amp designed to have Humongous Cleans.

 That being said what ever you get has to be a 100w amp Some people say its too much. So If you want an amp that's going to have huge cleans a 100w is 100% necessary.I have one and it is NOT overkill at all, Its perfect. It has the most usefull Master Volume on it I have ever used, different then any other amp.

    Here is my HRM Bluesmaster:

272  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Best Speakers for 4x12 cab with a HRM on: January 12, 2010, 02:48:40 AM

Nice score On the cab......I would save the speakers.Who knows what the next trend will be with guitar players Grin . It really depends on how much your budget is,and what your taste is in speakers.

 One option would be to get some Warehouse guitar G-12-65 clone's. They are cheap and sound great with the HRM.

 Another would be to invest the money and buy 4 EvM-12's,pricey so be on the lookout for a bargain with them. You will have one heavy ass 4x12 too Grin

The Ev's have killer cleans while the Warehouse speakers are great with OD. I have 1 of each in a 2x12 and it covers a lot of basis. That could be an option too, mixing speakers. Some say that it sounds weird and others love it.

Try a bunch of different speakers although because your HRM will sound different than the next guys. Listen to as many clips as possible and ask questions before you make a decision based on your taste .

I have also heard good things about any NEO magnet speaker,they are super light and can roll with the big cats as far as cone breakup,efficiency ,and other speaker traits. Good Luck!
273  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: January 10, 2010, 12:16:54 AM

  Here is my HRM BM with my fender vibratone (leslie) clone

   Tell me what you think. If I get enough hits on You tube I am thinking of making some production units. It sounds killer, It has a Celestion G-12-85 in it

Slow setting

Fast setting

274  Community / Classifieds / Re: I WANT TO BUY NOS FUZZ FACE PARTS A.S.A.P. on: January 09, 2010, 03:23:14 AM
No one?
275  Community / Classifieds / Re: Head Cabs for Ceriatone Overtone Series on: January 09, 2010, 03:22:54 AM
Is there any more Left?
276  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Looking to buy an overtone but you can't make your mind? on: January 06, 2010, 10:45:02 AM
Bump....Anyone else got a review?
277  Community / Classifieds / I WANT TO BUY NOS FUZZ FACE PARTS A.S.A.P. on: January 06, 2010, 03:09:59 AM
I Cut my finger this afternoon so no guitar in my future for a little while  Cry Cry Cry :'(So I figured I would do something constructive

Looking for ORIGINAL NOS Dallas Arbiter FUZZ FACE parts:

PM me here, E-mail me Boldaslove6789@Yahoo.com, Or even call me here (716)240-4893 Thanks

Or ANY Substitutes for the following

They include:

NKT275, AC128,and SFT363E : Geranium Transistors

BC108c, BC109, BC109c, BC183 : NPN Silicone Transistors

( 1/2 watt Carbon Comp Resisters )





( Capacitors )

100µF - electrolytic,

22µF - electrolytic,

2.2µF electrolytic,

0.01µF metallized polyester film

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
Greg D.C.

Yes I'm a hendrix fan Dammit,No I don't want to sound like him,My nickname is NOT Jimi and neither is yours Exclamation
278  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Great speaker for HRM on: January 04, 2010, 06:12:16 PM
Fane is still making speakers I believe, they make a host of high efficiency speakers,drivers,tweeters etc. I could only imagine that an old Cresendo would sound great with a d-style amp. Fane was like the Ev of Europe in the late sixties. I once read a review that was done,talking about testing all sorts of speakers with a d-clone. Fane tested the highest on the list for efficiency,Max Decibles,frequency handling and full range capabilities that also included an EvM-12-L,SRO, a Jenson Neo and tornado,JBL's and all sorts of celestion's and Webers too.
279  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Compliment to Bassman Blackface on: January 01, 2010, 07:26:45 AM
Here's all the difference


   Some say the 1st generation silver panel Dumble ODS's were the "easiest to play"
They have a very rich singing quality compared to with the Hrm you have to be a very "touch sensitive" player to get everything out of the amp .Both are great amps to play although. The Hrm is some what the most versatile of them ,all depends what your after (good clean,or good OD) The HRM can have both but in a very subjective way.All the different generation's of amps will definitely reflect on that final decision so I would advise you to listen to all the clips you can,and do some serious homework.These amps are capable of alot of genre's/style's.
280  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Santana's Gear on: December 29, 2009, 05:50:56 PM
I am pretty sure Santana bought Dumble a House in CA
281  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: December 27, 2009, 11:24:03 PM
I will see if I can get the builder to chime in
282  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: December 27, 2009, 05:22:05 PM

   Yeah the strat pups are single coils(under wound single coils). and the speaker is a Old Mesa Boogie Labeled EVM-12-L from the 80's that's been around the block Grin
The mods in the amp are: Skyliner EQ, Made to sound not as bright as the orig. BM.
The OD side was made to sound more like the standard HRM as opposed to the BM OD.

I am using a Holy Grail Verb in the loop too.
283  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Looking to buy an overtone but you can't make your mind? on: December 26, 2009, 11:57:39 PM
I aggree completely

Most people that have a D-style amps have a mission to sound like other people
I don't have really have that mission because there is too many variables in the quest for tone when It comes too trying to sound like the famous.

You should try to invent yourself and tone while you learn your amp
284  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: December 26, 2009, 08:00:28 PM
I actually took singing lessons for a while but the teacher would talk to me for a half an hour and burn up my time. I was paying $25 for 45 min.
285  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Looking to buy an overtone but you can't make your mind? on: December 26, 2009, 04:18:45 PM

  I would have to look but I believe the T,M,B Trimmers are all set @ around 12:00 with little difference. Balancing your volumes for the clean and OD is key.Remember when your OD is ingaged your clean T,M,B (tonestack) is still active,so you have to learn to shape your tone like this:  First set your preamp volume (Usually 4-5 for a strat and 3-4 for a les paul) then with the PAB OFF, set your T,M,B to taste (mine are all set around 12:00 give or take) Make sure you don't have the PAB on because that lifts the tonestack(TMB) out of the circuit ,leaving them UN-useable. Then on to the OD Side,I have my DRIVE set @ around 3-4 and I sat my LEVEL (Master for OD) to how loud I want to play. after all that I set my PRESENCE to taste,the PRESENCE IS a Global control so you can use it whether you are in the the clean or OD side.
The Overtone is not a Two channel amp,it simply adds the OD to the preamp and the power amp magnifies all.


What kind of guitar are you using and what kind of speaker?
Like I said about the PAB,It lifts the tonestack out so you really need to use it as a boost.The Mid Boost does work in the OD and does affect MIDs to my ears,
so you can use that to tailor your sound just a little bit more.
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