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241  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: February 25, 2010, 03:03:16 AM
I'm not even going to try and compete with the players here!

Here's a little goofball clip I did tonight: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=8807986

Ceriatone and Les Paul.....with a little help from MM&W  Wink

 Are you kidding me man, Your a great player!!!. Seriously, good tone
242  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Looking to buy an overtone but you can't make your mind? on: February 24, 2010, 03:30:29 AM

 Oh and BTW my tranies are fender ( Twin PT+choke, Tonemaster OT)
243  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Ceriatone Overtone Special 50 for sale - Germany on: February 23, 2010, 10:20:12 PM

 I know what you mean about the Two Rock, I'm itchin to buy one too. I just seen an Emerald pro and a K&M LTD go on E-bay for a little over $2,000. I still love my Ceriatone and I don't think I ever get rid of it, just mod it to my taste like a lab rat.
244  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Looking to buy an overtone but you can't make your mind? on: February 23, 2010, 10:14:56 PM

 Yes my amp does have a few mods to suit my playing style,taste, etc. None the less the BM is a great amp. It has huge cleans ( that's my main concern because I use a bunch of pedals). The Dumble OD was very new to me as it will showcase your blems. It really takes some time to get used to the OD to use it to your full potential.


    I don't want to defer you from choosing an amp as everyone has different tastes. All the amps Nik offers are all great platform's to tweak upon, I think you'll be satisfied which ever route you go. If you want huge cleans I would suggest the BM, If you want a singing OD I would suggest the non HRM (Overtone special). The BM has great OD and it has the most gain available ( Marshall type gain not dumble type gain) out of all the Overtone's. You can definitely get the Robben F. sound with the right guitar and chops. The Non-HRM Overtone has a ton of gain available too (just not like the BM OD).
245  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: UK made D style on: February 23, 2010, 10:03:07 PM

 The volt amp seems to have a few upgrades/ innovations. Plus from the clips the amp sounds great as opposed to the doubletone amp. Reverb is always a nice addition (there's nothing like real tube spring reverb).Those guys got my support.
246  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Looking to buy an overtone but you can't make your mind? on: February 23, 2010, 07:05:00 AM
Yes, it has a great OD channel - MY OD sounds great and VERY Dumble like .. Check out my clips and you let me know! Larry Carlton ONLY uses that config. because that is what HE  likes !
247  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: About to order my first OTS/HRM on: February 23, 2010, 03:52:52 AM

Usually ...

There is a footswitch jack on any rackmount units, to bypass the effect.

If the rackmount unit doens'nt come with a footswitch, you should be able to build one for cheap. Depending on how complex the switching is on the unit of course.

If not footswitches are available to buy for most rackmount units (like a lexicon, TC Electronics, etc)...

This is how it will work :
   1.) Match your D-lator's S&R w/your effects loop on your amp
   2.) Put your effects(of choice) in the S&R of the D-Lator
   3.) Then you should be able to midi switch the effects bypass using the footswitch output on your rack unit.

Your Line6 DD-4 should work fine with the D-lator but, I recommend TC Electronic M350" if your dough is on the low then look for deals on any old Lexicon stuff -Try Ebay or Craigslist if your lucky Smiley Above all you need to look for a rack mount unit that can use a 100% wet signal. I am a reverb addict too!  Shocked

 For cabs I use and recommend any 2x12 oval ported cab...Some examples (if your not familiar) are AVATAR(for around $150-$200), Thiele (on eBay unfinished for #$100-$120), Two Rock makes a great cab loaded with W.G.S G1265 (Celestion G-12-65 clone) for about $400-$500 used. 

  Here's a list of speakers I have gathered in my experience-

1.) EvM-12-L (This is the most popular as Dumble himself used them!!!)
2.) Celestion G-12-65 (WGS are good clones)
3.) Emminence Tonker, Swamp Thing, ETC.
4.) Scumbacks
5.) Fane (good efficient speaker with 100+ DB rating)
6.) Early Altec Lansing (JBL) -Are good for the 1st gen. NON-HRM based amps.

Maybe someone else could add to the ones I forgot  Grin

When it comes to speakers really everyone has their own preference !

If you have any other questions I will do my best to help!
248  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: UK made D style on: February 20, 2010, 10:47:18 PM

 How can they sell a product and use other manufactures/companies names on a website (like two rock, Van Welden, etc.)? I think its ridiculous that people re-badge Ceriatone amps, why can't they outsource there parts like every other good respectable builder out there?. If you wanted to re-badge and you built your own amp or you had someone else build it for you I would understand that, but if you are trying to sell it as your own I think that's wrong. Guys like Two Rock,Fuchs, etc. are all cloners but,they have all put R&D into there amps with original,new innovations,outsourced parts,even designed tranies. ..........What a shame that people are taking all of Niks ideas and kits and selling them @ 2 x the price when there the same amp that we all have.
249  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: DPDT red switch tips? on: February 19, 2010, 12:17:25 AM

 I don't know if you R the same guy from the AGF but here: http://www.smallbearelec.com/Detail.bok?no=44
250  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: February 15, 2010, 11:04:42 AM
 And BTW both of these are @ bedroom levels...........Pesky neighbors LOL

Finally did some clips for the OD of my amp...

Hope you like it!

Les Paul


251  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: February 15, 2010, 10:45:45 AM
Its got that Bonamassa sound down really well.

  Now that was a compliment!!  Grin Grin Thank you, it wasn't really my intention but after listening I see where your coming from.

 Here is another clip

 Strat, Cleans

252  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: February 15, 2010, 07:54:58 AM
Finally did some clips for the OD of my amp...

Hope you like it!

Les Paul


253  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Your bluesmaster setting on: February 13, 2010, 07:35:06 PM

I'm really surprised of the scope of this amp....i didn't expect it to be so versatile on the OD side....anything from slight break up to BIG distorted heavy metal tones.

 Yeah the BM is like every good amp I've ever had rolled up in one, My amp just sang last night @ a gig with the Drive @ 2:00 and the Master @11:00, loud as Sh&T but sounded great!!

Deep: off....well, for now at least.

 With the Deep switch on its overkill IMO, the BM is really bassy, I never have my
bass past 10:00 (EQ)

 A D-lator is definitely the next step for me. My EH Holy Grail Reverb doesnt work properly @ high volumes,It getts kinda muddy If the Reverb level is high.
254  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Your bluesmaster setting on: February 11, 2010, 08:54:56 PM

 My trimmers are set pretty flat all @ 12:00 except the bass is @ 10:00 or so.
255  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Your bluesmaster setting on: February 11, 2010, 01:04:14 AM
I wrote this in a different thread but here it goes


 The Clean on my BM is super fat @ bedroom levels and seems to get fatter when @ gig level. The EQ is set Treble (10:00) Middle (noon) Bass (9:00)

 I am suffice with how it sounds @ bedroom levels although . I prefer to record with it @  bedroom levels too.

 My OD changes a little (in a good way) when @ gig levels.

 It seems that the more I go past noon on the master (which is ooober loud LOL)
  the more the clean channel gets dirty (which by then the Power section is working   
  pretty F'in hard) and the OD seems to get more 3D + bloomy.  I rarely go past noon though.
 With my amp mic'ed @ gigs I usually set my amp this way:

 Clean Vol between 1 to 3:00 / Master Vol @ 10:30
 OD drive @ 1 to 3:00 / OD Master Vol @ 11:00

 My amp is extremely loud @ this point but I prefer it this way. I will sometimes change to accommodate different venues. I use a lot of pedals too though.

 At home I use the settings above, just the masters don't get past 8:00 though  Smiley

 All these setting with a Fender Strat w/ underwound pups w/ 10-38 strgs LOL IDK

 I put the Clean Vol @ noon with a Les paul

 I use a d-style ported Avatar 2x12 w/ a EvM-12 and a Celestion g-12-65

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