Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Tube Recommendations
on: September 09, 2010, 09:54:08 PM
Thanks, but what are considered the best tubes to use in a OTS 50-watt to maximize the clean channel, if that is a better question?
Also, I get a booming (rattle the walls - like a bass player) bass when I only hit the low E string, is this a tube issue??
What are you using for speakers? I run my OTS 50-watt through two (2) 1x12 cabs. One is a Two Rock Sig Cab with 1265B and other cab is loaded with a EVM12L. I use a Kleinulator in loop. Thanks for your help!! I think all D-style (and a bunch of other style amps) can be quite bassy with the EV-12L (IMO) My Bluesmaster is quite bassy (Rattling shit around the cab also) and I run 2 Ev's in a ported cab. . You just have to EQ your amp different @ home or when practicing. AT gigs (When the volume levels are really loud!) my amps cuts through the mix very nicely and I don't notice the predominant bass levels. Ev's are the only speaker that produce these huge lows that dumble style amps can dish out. I would not worry about it, your amp is fine.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Hiss problem with Bluesmaster, Loopalator and TC2290
on: August 29, 2010, 03:35:01 PM
If you ran the system in parallel, you surely would have less trouble. Some people with similar machine park as yours, use a Shur minimix II and report having fine results (like Dogears aka Scott Lerner).
+1 I can also hear an audible difference in signal/noise even with my T.C. M300 , I've A/B 'd it several times and I can tell that the T.C. makes some noise in series. I'm definitely in the market for a Exotic X-blend ( Has a tonestack + Series/Parellel switch) or a Suhr Minimix II for Parallel use with my D-lator.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: No OD
on: August 22, 2010, 05:35:59 AM
Have you tried replacing the OD tube ? I would try that........
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Question about HRM Bluesmaster internal trimmers
on: August 16, 2010, 01:33:12 AM
This has been discussed quite a bit. Once you find your amps sweet spot with the HRM tonestack you will most likely not want to tweak it after that. Having the trimmers on the back is really not worth it.
Although I'm not saying it can't be done, who knows you might like the feature. There are probably far more useful tone shaping Dumble mods out there that you might find useful.
Examples I've heard of recently on the net......
(( Of course I am not suggesting any of these mods if you have no formal knowledge of tube amps, they're are dangerous voltages inside ))
HRM lift Local Negative Feedback switch
Footswitchable FET w/ a trimmer in place of the the Hi input. Implemented on a few Two-Rocks and most notably the Steel String Singer.
Vox style cut control( instead of a precence control ala two-rock/Brown-Note Blue Monkey ) And there is probably a ton more mods that can be implemented on the D-style platform that have been discussed to great lengths on The Amp garage and other tube amp builders Forums
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Tube Recommendations
on: August 15, 2010, 06:10:48 PM
I have yet to try JJ preamp tubes but have used a quad of pwr tubes B 4 and I have no complaints. I'll have to try some ecc83s soon.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Question about HRM Bluesmaster internal trimmers
on: August 15, 2010, 02:15:47 PM
Don't want to deviate but: I would recommend giving the amp some burn in time before you start tweaking trimmers. The dynamics and feel of the amp will most likely change after burn in and you won't have a starting point if you change them now. Of course IMO only.....
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: OTS Tone with Kleinulator and Without Kleinulator
on: August 14, 2010, 03:47:02 PM
I have an HRM BM and I used the Klein for a while before getting a D-lator.
In terms of sound I noticed the Kleinulator was really transparent and didn't color the amps tone @ all ( depending on what Effects I used in the loop of course &/+ long cable runs to smooth highs sometimes). I used the Send bright switch almost all the time because I likes what it did to the OD.
I also noticed I couldn't run my AMP Master as high as I do with the D-lator ( at 11:00 o'clock ). Running the Master high with a buffered effects loop can be just another tone shaping feature IMO.
The D-lator IMO does color the amp slightly. It smooths out the highs and can make the OD more responsive/ balanced/ dynamic and a bit compressed. I only use my bright switch ( my d-lator has a bright switch on the Send only) when I'm home recording/playing etc. When using the d-lators Level/Drive as a GLOBAL master @ a gig the bright switch is usually off because the amp brightens up @ high volumes.
I would recommend trying both and see which one you like the best. Other than the price the Klein & D-lator are both very use full tools for different applications etc. Effects respond/can vary with each unit and bring you a whole basket full of tone options.
This is IMO of course.......... Hope this helps.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Speaker choice
on: August 12, 2010, 10:09:16 PM
Nik, What lightweight magnets are you referring to? A Neodymium magnet? Could you please elaborate? Or send me a link? I am interested ... I just need an alternate (or additional) cab with lightweight speakers. Thanks
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Tube Recommendations
on: August 12, 2010, 12:01:31 PM
Thanks, but what are considered the best tubes to use in a OTS 50-watt to maximize the clean channel, if that is a better question?
Also, I get a booming (rattle the walls - like a bass player) bass when I only hit the low E string, is this a tube issue??
What are you using for speakers?
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Tube Recommendations
on: August 11, 2010, 09:38:11 PM
Two Rock has multiple proprietary circuit designs, that being said tube changing won't necessarily get you there.
Most of their amps are based around the non-hrm vein although. The Classic Reveb has a buffered loop and that will change the sound also, not to mention the reverb circuit is crucial to the design platform also.
And to note:
The 50w Classic Reverb is tube rectified; the 100w solidstate rectified.
The Classic Reverb is also a Steel String singer influenced amp having tweaks from the John Mayer sig amp/ The Sterling Sig ( Exact SSS clone ) and the Custom Clean ( Two-Rocks take on the SSS/150w Dumble Land Special " The white glove SRV amp") ala "texas flood" in a can
....... I don't know, maybe I'm wrong.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Speaker choice
on: August 06, 2010, 11:51:59 PM
IMO the Ev's are steller for headroom. The 65's are nice for low level OD, they do something weird @ high volumes ( then again I play really really loud. Its all Personal preference I guess.
I had the impression you use a EVM12L and a Celestion 12-65 in one cab? Do you like it? I ran an 8ohm Ev and a 16ohm 65 in parallel in a 2x12 cab for a while. It was nice but lacked something because the impedance was off, I usually ran the OT @ 8ohms with that. After a bit I started using an additional 16ohm 65 in parallel with the 8ohm Ev and 16ohm 65 ( so 3 speakers in total ) . I wasn't getting enough clean headroom ( although the OD was very tasteful ). Clean Headroom is 1st and foremost in my rig so I opted for another Ev ( got it for $100 shipped ) and scraped the two g1265's. All and all I prefer the Ev's, IMO they offer a sound no other speaker can rival. I hope 2 try out some Tonetubby HEMPCONE's in a 2x12 in the future for an alternate ( or additional ) cab . The only thing I have a problem with is the frigging 40 lb's of speakers + the 60 lb's of cabinet but I am willing to carry it because it sounds so damn tasteeeaaa.....................