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151  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Any tube collectors' views on what vintage tubes for a stock HRM amp? on: November 19, 2010, 09:02:09 PM
I've been using amperex ecc83's in V1 & V2 for a few months now and they're on the top of my list for some of the best ecc83/12ax7's ever made.I got a bunch in a trade but they run about $100 a piece at NOS tube outlets.

 Don't really like them in the PI (I prefer Tung Sol 12ax7's there) but I usually have to weed out a bunch to find the good ones because they're failure prone.

 As far as output tubes go I'm diggin a quad of Svetlana 6L6GC's
152  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Which guitars go well with an OTS / which guitars do you own on: November 17, 2010, 11:09:26 PM
In the near future I'm going to be working on a OTS HRM BM 100 watt model. Anyone else out there have an opinion on using a strat  with these models. I'm using a Fender Deluxe with noiseless pu's. Thanks

 The BM is great with a strat . I switched to humbucker equipped guitars almost exclusively shortly after I got my 100w BM although.
153  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: overtone special question....clarification please on: November 17, 2010, 11:04:19 PM
OTS50 is a good tweaked 50W Overdrive Special.

The FM50 is a 50W version of the Bludotone Ojai. That amp is as as close to Robben Fords tan Dumble you will ever get.
+1 the Ojai is basicly a copy of Larry's amp. Brandon at Bludo has serviced Larry's dumble a few times but now Larry uses a Bludotone

The Ford Mustang is a clone of the Bludotone Ojai. The Bludotone Ojai is a copy of Robben Fords tan 100w non-HRM Dumble ODS.

 Larry Carltons tan Dumble is a 100w HRM Ripper (like the bluesmaster). Just to clarify
154  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: New OTS amps on the horizon... on: November 08, 2010, 12:01:58 AM
I have a rack pre-amp coming from Shad @ Quinn amps of "183" with ftsw'able FET to run with the D-lator/Pwr amp of my Bluesmaster. It will have some NOS parts.I'll have it in a month of so.I'll report when i get it,followed by clips.  It would be cool to compare it to a Ceriatone 183.
155  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: New OTS amps on the horizon... on: November 06, 2010, 11:34:50 PM
Looks like a Emerald Pro from Two Rock with some tweaks. That sure would explain the MK=K&M=Two Rock

Only it has no reverb. Why has Nik chosen to not add verb any of his amp. What happened to the SSS Nik was working on, anybody know the real scoop on any of these new models?
no verb is simpler and it actually makes the amp perform differently. Usually you get better tone W/o reverb implimented. Hence why HAD didnt make to many reverb amps. Also it gives you the option of using any verb device you like, and youre not just stuck with the amps reverb.

 Point taken. I guess I'm getting fed up with having to lug all the gear it takes to make time based effects work Smiley I like the results although (I've never been more happy with my rig, ever!). From a grab and go stand point Had wasn't to keen on craming the amp with features. Probably because he catered to pro guitar players that had roadies.  Most of his models were available with verb although: The SSS, Dumbleland special (150w), Overdrive reverb, 300sl. Overdrive 150w.
156  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: 50 watt OTE HRM with a 200 watt 1x12 EVM-12L on: November 05, 2010, 03:34:14 AM
Anyone.........Will a 50 watt OTS head be enough power  for a EVM-12L?   

 200w is just the wattage the speaker is rated to handle at max.Yes the 50w OTS will be a perfect match. You could drive a 4x12 of EV-12's with the 50w. SRV used the Marshall Major And his Steel String Singer to drive 4x12 Dumble cabs loaded with Ev-M-12L (sometimes 6x10 Marshall bathtub cabs) with EVM's. He would also use Ev15's in his Vibroverbs because the  JBL K140's would blow. Ev's are really the most transparent, efficient, and powerful speaker for guitar (other than some Fane stuff). Chances are the 50w OTS will likely break up before the speaker does.
157  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: C-Lator/Kleinulator on: November 05, 2010, 01:07:19 AM
The C-lator adds a slight compression (In a good way) and the Klein doesn't change the character of the amp. When using the these effects loop buffers the Level control becomes your overall master, IMO it handles turning the amps master up better than the klein

 At low levels with the C-lators level control (or overall master) at about 9:00 or so I could turn my amps master up to about half way (or 12:00).By balancing both masters the right way the amp got very responsive.

  At low levels with the Klein's level control (or overall master) I couldn't turn my amps master past 9:00 and get a the same results ie; the c-lator could handle higher master levels and the Klein didn't perform as well @ low levels

  IMO they're both good devices to add time based effects to your d-style amp. The C-lator will change the character of your amp and may be more pleasing sonically to use. Yet I still see the Klein as being a great alternative for the money ( At about half the price of most conventional stand alone tube buffered effects loops).

 Also a good mod for both devices is a series/parallel switch as you can get tons of versatility being able to use different effects that may perform better under parallel conditions. It gives you the ability to blend (or mix) the effect with the dry sound.
158  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: New OTS amps on the horizon... on: November 05, 2010, 12:23:39 AM
Looks like a Emerald Pro from Two Rock with some tweaks. That sure would explain the MK=K&M=Two Rock

Only it has no reverb. Why has Nik chosen to not add verb any of his amp. What happened to the SSS Nik was working on, anybody know the real scoop on any of these new models?
159  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: alexander dumble on: October 23, 2010, 09:24:28 PM
There have been many people whom sued HAD and got their amp built. Unfortunately he didn't pay close attention to those particular amps and in result they were not as sonically enriching to play as his "Grail era'" amps. Regardless they still had to wait a long time and most people sold the amps as soon as they got them.
160  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Head cabinet plans anyone? on: October 21, 2010, 09:24:10 PM
Its the 13th post on the 1st page by hywelg
161  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: How do you use your OTS? on: October 21, 2010, 09:23:08 PM
Here's how my rig is setup:

84' Fender MIJ Strat w/ Burstbuckers,
90's Fender Strat w/ Birdseye neck (Ebony board) Fralin Blackface pups
Sometimes a 53' Harmony Lapsteel or 50's Oahu Tonemaster Lapsteel>

Custom Line Buffer (for long cable runs,low output pups)>
Wampler Ecstasy Drive>
BC183 and NKT275 Fuzz's (Either or pending what kind of mood I'm in)>
DOD envelope filter & modded Boss SD-1 in a True bypass isolation looper (to bypass the input buffers these      pedals contain)>
Uni-Vibe clone>
Fulltone OCD v 1.4>

Into a A-B-Y box that goes to>

 100w HRM BM (always there "main amp")
 D-lator in the loop with a T.C. M300 (for verb/delay)
 2x12 oval ported cab with 2x EvM-12-L's

And pending on how big the gig is I use either of these (Never both)

 64 Bandmaster with Skyliner EQ' (2x6L6)
 into an oval ported 1x12" cab with a Texas Heat


 Fuzz Face into a 70's Traynor YBA-Bassmaster modded to a JTM-45 with a Pre amp Boost (2xEL34's)
 into a custom Leslie (Vibrotone type) cab with 12" Celestion G12-65

  It all seems elaborate but this is all only for gig's. I'm currently working on a small combo amp (100w 1 channel Dumble Small Special clone w/ buffered loop) for grab and go apps as this rig is just too big for a fly by open mic or rehearsal etc.
162  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: alexander dumble on: October 21, 2010, 08:51:37 PM
He is alive and living in LA. I talked to a dear friend of his recently (owner of many Dumble amps) and he stated that Alexander is currently doing work for a premier studio in LA and not making (or modifying) amps for his usual endorsers/customers. Alot of people have paid for and are still waiting for amps to be made (or modified). Most are mad but remain patient in hopes that the will get a package in the mail.
163  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Which OTS for me? on: October 20, 2010, 12:29:36 AM
I saw Scofield over the summer (Opened up for Derek Trucks & Susan Tedeski) and He had the Two-Rock and a 4x10 cab. His tone was killer.

 From his website:

 Currently I'm playing a 100 watt "Version 2" Custom Reverb Signature through a special Two Rock 4x10 cabinet that they built for me. This amp has been exceptionally reliable on the road. It sounds huge, has great clarity and responsiveness to picking dynamics, and is both very revealing and rewarding to play through." 

 You can see the Bludo here:

164  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Which OTS for me? on: October 18, 2010, 04:25:21 PM
For now, I'm more inclined to get the "regular" OTS (the one who got the mods suggested by Scott Lerner & Co) as far as I understand, it's the one who's more able to fatten up a vintage strat sound.

I'm pretty cold about the 2 HRM versions because of the internal trimmers, because if I'll be getting a hard time to get the overdrive channel to sound the way I want, in the back of my mind, I'll always think: maybe it's because of the trimmers, no I have to take this chassis out again and go against the safety precautions in order of adjusting those "suckers" at full gig level, too much tweaking, not for me.

If your looking for Scofield tones I can tell you this: He is famous for using stock unmodded blackface era' Fender Super Reverbs. His Bludo amp is a dead nuts Larry Carlton clone of a 100w Dumble ODS Bluesmaster/Ripper. He also uses a custom (modded) Two-Rock in a "Custom Reverb Signiture" chassis. The amp is supposed to have NO overdrive channel (Single channel) and just ftsw' able FET with "Skyliner Specs" w/ verb. Also he is infamous for using oval ported 4x10 T-R cabs which I think contributes to his sound greatly.

 As far as the trimmers go the HRM is not a bunch of tweaking. All you have to do is turn the amp loud (not gigging levels but louder) for 10-15 minutes and hit some notes on the guitar, tweak trimmers to taste. Actually the trimmers will be set when you get it and you may not even want to touch them for months (or even a year or so). I've had my amp for a year and I have not touched the front panel settings in months (touched the trimmers twice since I've owned the amp). These are not amps that have to be tweaked gig to gig or room to room. Let the amp break in for a bit, once you like your tone set it and leave it alone.

 The Bluesmaster PI (phase inverter) is Marshall/Bassman influenced and breaks up a bit earlier which gives the amp a certain character of sorts. My amp has the "Skyline EQ" unlike the stock HRM BM btw. I'm not telling you to get one, I'm just suggesting you may like the adjustability of an HRM. I've never played a standard non HRM OTS so I can't tell you about one. I will tell you that I can nail the Scofield tone with my 100w BM and a Strat with Lollers "Blackface" pups in it.
165  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: HRM trim pots newbie question on: October 10, 2010, 10:11:58 PM
You set them and forget them. This has been discussed at great length.
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