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Ceriatone / Overtone / Turning a Ceriatone NON- HRM OTS into a Ceriatone HRM Bluesmaster?
on: February 17, 2012, 01:54:22 AM
Hi Guys
Just a quick question. Is it possible to change my regular OTS to become a HRM Bluesmaster? If so does the Ceriatone HRM Bluesmaster schematic on the ceriatone website have the JM Mod on it??
I am after some really nice cleans. I only use slight amount of OD on the OD channel on my OTS. So im thinking the BM will be the amp for me.
Hope you guys can help.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: BM JM Mod
on: February 11, 2012, 01:31:33 AM
Are there any sound samples??? I would love to hear one side by side to a reg ots!!! Also is it more two rock type tone? Cause I am very interested in getting this done to mine if it smooths some harness out of my ots.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Help With EQing A Ceriatone OTS50w
on: February 09, 2012, 09:52:01 PM
I don't have any recording stuff. I think I may take it to a tech as Im not sure how to bias etc....
So the OD should be easier to use than what im experiencing?Im just feeling it has no definition to it!! Its nice when low OD like 1-1.5 but then I turn it up for more gain and then turns flabby.... There is a little crunch a little above 1-2 then after that its really flabby...... (On chords though) Lead guitar isnt too bad!
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Two Rock Schematic.... Thoughts?
on: February 09, 2012, 05:11:53 AM
This is what a amp repairer in adelaide said!!!
"The Two Rock mods are really easy to do (replace 8 resistors with the values shown on the German schematic). But adding a reverb could be problematic. I can see where one new valve socket could fit on the chassis layout (between the power valves and the pre-amp valves, there is a space, except the speaker sockets stick into it, so maybe not enoughfor a socket and tag strips. But we need to find space for another new valve socket as well as a small transformer, and it's not obvious where they could go. The transformer could fit on the bare space behind the valves, but that requires moving the pre-amp out of the way to drill mounting holes and holes for the wires - that's do-able but fiddly. I think there is a hole under the OD Trim control on the rear panel where a Mix control could fit, but I really can't see where the second reverb valve could go. Maybe what I can do is the Two Rock mod, which would take an hour or so and cost $5 in parts, and while the amp is opened up on the bench, see if I can find the real estate for the rerverb hardware and circuitry. At this point, I need to eyeball the real chassis to see how the internal layout uses the space. Based on the drawings for your amp, I can't judge exactly what the dimensions are for the possible spaces, so I'd rather not try to quote at this time. The lowest risk solution is to build a stand-alone reverb in a separate enclosure, and feed it into the amp using the FX loop. That solution would require a separate box for the reverb tank and the reverb circuitry. The power requirements could be slaved off the main amp, so the main cost would be a separate enclosure to match the main head, plus a small chassis, the reverb tank, and the reverb circuit (which would include a footswitch, enclosure, cosmetics, slave power wiring etc... )"
Be great for some advice guys
Ceriatone / Overtone / Two Rock Schematic.... Thoughts?
on: February 09, 2012, 05:08:47 AM
Hi guys
I found a two rock amp schematic over at the ampgarage and apparently there isnt too much difference between the OTS and the Custom Reverb Signature........ Have anyone tried to do this??
Thanks for your time guys!
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Help With EQing A Ceriatone OTS50w
on: February 09, 2012, 04:20:50 AM
I get a new strat next week with similar pick ups to CS69's!! Maybe that will help me.... I have put the mp3 player on today for 8 hours, I will do it all over again tomorrow!!!
I just find at the moment my tone is flabby, its frustrating I get some good clean sounds then hit drive channel and it sounds great with very little gain, almost blues like tone....
But when I want to up the gain its all over the place.... Just a normal G chord sounds like crap no definition to it.... My amp is too dark and muddy... Do you think burn in will fix this??
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: How to MOD a OTS 50w to a BM with JM Mod?
on: February 07, 2012, 07:33:59 AM
Yeh I just dont like bothering him! I feel I have asked him way too many questions!!
From Nik "Matt Yes the layout is latest indeed, so you can do it easily. Perhaps, play with the values on OTS first, for the clean channel? For full mod, there's quite some stuff you'd need to get. Thanks! Nik" Anyone know the values that need to be changed??? Will these values just change the clean channel or both channels? Thanks