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American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Re: Is the 5e3 right for me?
on: November 05, 2007, 09:12:34 PM
Thanks for all the info guys! Sounds like the perfect amp for me. I will mostly use it for recording and rarely in a band (i play in a punk-rock band---my marshalls handle that ). I'm not worried about the cleans either. I usually just set the amp for an overdrive sound and clean up with the help of the guitars volume pot. Do they sound good with greenbacks? I have one of those Marshall 4x12 with greenbacks. mcinku: je že kar nekaj Slovencev na forumu, kajne I will use English so everybody can understand... Greenback is actually the same speaker I use and I love it. For me it's perfect match for 5E3. You can hear my clip in a 5E3 SoundClip section. I used my 1x12" Greenback cab for that recording.
Community / Chit Chat / Re: Hello
on: November 05, 2007, 12:43:40 PM
Hey Nik!
No need to feel down man.
As long as people are still buying en enjoying your amps, who cares about them nitpickers?? All they do I try to bash you, they'll never buy anything from you anyway so why bother.
Exactly, like I said before, market should decide if this is a good idea. If nobody is buying, why offer such a product. You are not braking any laws, so where's the problem. ...customers want a good amp at fair price.
American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Re: Is the 5e3 right for me?
on: November 05, 2007, 07:54:27 AM
5E3 is a special amp... once you start playing it, you just can let it go. Just think of it, did you ever heard somebody bashing these amps? I tried to maximize the headroom in mine by installing 6L6, GZ34 tubes (bigger trannies are needed for this) and Vol/Tone Mod from Mission amps. Vol/Tone mod also brighten the amp a bit which is good. These amps are really dark sounding, especially if you don't use the right speaker. After all these mods... let's just say, it'll stay with me forever.
Community / Gear / Re: Here are my babies:-)
on: November 03, 2007, 08:33:44 PM
Oh, ok then - I thought I read on HC you changed from 6V6 to 6L6. Oh well, I'll check out the clips That would be my BF Champ with switchable bias so I can use both 6V6 or 6L6.
American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Re: Speaker For Tweed Deluxe
on: November 03, 2007, 08:21:50 PM
I tried just two speakers with my 5E3... Jensen C12K - nice speaker but to dark, my next choice was Celestion Greenback and I was sold just as soon as I heard it . Maybe there are even better speakers out there but I'm happy with my choice.
Website, Store / Suggestions / Re: some suggestions
on: November 03, 2007, 07:45:57 PM
For starters I'd day loose the categories for different amps. Just keep the Britsh Style, American Style, etc.
Yes I was thinking the same thing.
Community / Gear / Re: Here are my babies:-)
on: November 03, 2007, 07:35:42 PM
Oh, and those are some NICE cabs mcinku How did that 6L6 mod change the tone on the 5E3? Thanks for a compliment, I like this old retro style. How did 6L6 change the tone? I actually don't know. I never used it with 6V6. All I can say I love how it sounds with 6L6. ...but I should also say I installed the Vol/Tone Mod from Bruce and it fits me perfectly. You will find my clips in the 5E3 clip section.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: overtone no longer available..for now?
on: November 02, 2007, 07:06:46 PM
All who bought an amp from Nik .... we all know he's a good guy. To good and we have a prove now with this COS amp. ...and anybody expecting, that information published on a public forum is not going to be used is just plain stupid. It's a WORLD WIDE WEB people.... ...anyway we have a good guy here providing an awesome tone to the people who can't afford the big $$$$$$ amps... what's wrong with that damn, sorry for this monologue just letting some steam out...
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: overtone no longer available..for now?
on: November 02, 2007, 01:20:44 PM
Damn those snobs. I don't know what those guys at AmpGarage are saying but I can imagine. The same shit was happening with TW clones. For crying out loud, he is not selling a Dumble... it's a clone, not even the exact one!!!! everybody everywhere is doing it... and I'm not talking only amps here... I say Fu**k them all and bring back the amp, the market will decide if this is a good idea or not. Those guys can cry as much as they want. BRING IT BACK, BRING IT BACK !!!!!!
Community / Gear / Re: Here are my babies:-)
on: November 02, 2007, 06:48:57 AM
You built the cabs yourself? Very good woodwork I had a lot of help from my friend. He is the wood guy, I was just a errand boy.