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Question: Subject says it all
builder   -14 (60.9%)
pre-built   -7 (30.4%)
modder   -2 (8.7%)
Total Voters: 23

Author Topic: pre-built or builder?  (Read 29622 times)
Tone Control
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« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2011, 11:17:58 PM »

It was simple for me, I wanted to cut my teeth on a kit first and go from there. However, just like my findings in other jobs I have had, sourcing parts is a real PITA. So for me being able to quickly order a kit and know all the parts were going to be correct in every way was a real nice thing.

Right now I'm building a D-lator all sourced by myself and inevetiably I made a few goof ups on part size, etc. When it's 2:00AM and you're going over compenent specs it's bound to happen.  Embarrassed  It's nothing that isn't able to be fixed, but it's annoying just the same.

Also, in my poor ass state, saving 35% or whatever is nothing to scoff at. Plus, generally speaking I know what I'm doing in regards to building the amp. Now if the question is; "should someone with no electronic experience buy a kit to save money" the answer is a definite NO!

For people who want to build amps, I can see the attraction, it's just that given the wage costs in Malaysia and the USA/UK, I can always work some overtime to pay someone in Malaysia to do a better job assembling an amp than I could ever hope to achieve. Nik's business decision will make it harder to build from scratch, but not impossible.  Have fun building them! I'll stick to just playing 'em


Dr Tone Control, Strats mostly, prefer saturated clean tones, a little OD sometimes
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T Wilcox
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« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2011, 02:49:29 PM »

Thanks guys

Just so all are aware the poll was not to find out which is better, kit or pre-built.
Was just curious as to whether this forum has dried up a little due to the fact less people are building kits, and the ones that are building are now at TAG asking questions rather than here.
Seems there are just as many people here as before the kits ended, just less posts because nobody is working their way through builds anymore and needing help or suggestions from the rest who have already built these amps.
No doubt Niks crew builds some nice amps, just look at the gut pics on the website.
I also understand that it is Nik's business decision and I respect that. But it doesn't hurt to show him the interest is still there either.

Thanks again


Plexi bass 1986 ( build #6 )
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« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2011, 08:14:31 PM »

I was thinking about this a bit today and realized this is really my position on the "no kits" question. Basically, my attitude is always from a consumer point of view. IMO, the more choices the better. So when a previous choice is taken away, I think generally, it's a bad thing.


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Tone Control
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« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2011, 11:27:20 PM »

I was thinking about this a bit today and realized this is really my position on the "no kits" question. Basically, my attitude is always from a consumer point of view. IMO, the more choices the better. So when a previous choice is taken away, I think generally, it's a bad thing.

ahh but he's promised a wider selection of amps, so it's a trade-off, I'll have to wait and see what new models arrive

Dr Tone Control, Strats mostly, prefer saturated clean tones, a little OD sometimes
BM50, JTM45, 36w EF86, DZ30, Expression, + non-Ceriatones (Matchless, Victoria, Wienbrock)
Just started with pedals a little after a 10 year purist spell, but usually just delay
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« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2011, 12:39:52 AM »

I was thinking about this a bit today and realized this is really my position on the "no kits" question. Basically, my attitude is always from a consumer point of view. IMO, the more choices the better. So when a previous choice is taken away, I think generally, it's a bad thing.

ahh but he's promised a wider selection of amps, so it's a trade-off, I'll have to wait and see what new models arrive

exactly, and he may have time for custom one offs and custom mods to standard amps as well. I would rather have an amp builder with a well stocked variety of quality handbuilt, handwired amps, myself. Building them is neat, but like Tone Control said, i would rather play em than build em. i can always mod em or have em modded later, ir have Nik mod it when it's built.

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« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2011, 12:48:36 AM »

ahh but he's promised a wider selection of amps, so it's a trade-off, I'll have to wait and see what new models arrive
Of course, that goes without saying. Every worldly thing is a compromise. But the one choice I was interested in will no longer be available. So, you're correct. For just the buyer and non-builder the choices will likely be wider. I'm certainly not going to fault Nik for doing whatever he wants to with his buisiness. Also, I would much rather see Ceriatone in business in any form than not at all.


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« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2011, 12:54:28 AM »

i would rather play em than build em.
I'm not sure why building and playing can't be equally as enjoyable. Being able to build an amp has no bearing on how well or how much enjoyment I get out of playing guitar. In fact I think I might just get a bit more enjoyment out of playing guitar with an amp I built.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 01:02:19 AM by SoundPerf » Logged


Ceriatone HRM 50
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« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2011, 02:41:32 AM »

i would rather play em than build em.
I'm not sure why building and playing can't be equally as enjoyable. Being able to build an amp has no bearing on how well or how much enjoyment I get out of playing guitar. In fact I think I might just get a bit more enjoyment out of playing guitar with an amp I built.

I agree and certainly knowing how the amp is built, thanks mostly in part to the ones who have the time, patience, and skill to build it, have helped me alot in my modding and enjoyment, but I just don't have the time to do it. If I did, I would be alot more upset about the kits being discontinued (I was going to get a prinzetone kit and build it), but for now I'm just glad Nik is still in business. Who knows, he may bring the kits back one day

Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
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« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2011, 12:16:08 PM »

I too am glad Nik will be bringing out loads more amps, but I still think it was a bad decision to stop all kits. Most builders who do kits don't offer every amp as a kit and this would have been the best solution I feel. Nik could have offered one Fender tweed, one 18/36watter, one Plexi, one OTS, etc. That would have reduced his support overhead enormously.

My problem is access to parts. I don't have sufficient knowledge to know which resistors to use where, which type and wattage, which are good quality, which are prone to problems etc. Same with caps, trannies, etc etc. My interest in amps was fired by Niks kits, if they hadn't been available I would still have been saving up for a TR or a Matchless and playing an old Fender Pro Tube and hating it.

Still hoping NIk will bring em back.........
T Wilcox
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« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2011, 01:12:54 PM »

My problem is access to parts. I don't have sufficient knowledge to know which resistors to use where, which type and wattage, which are good quality, which are prone to problems etc. Same with caps, trannies, etc etc. My interest in amps was fired by Niks kits, if they hadn't been available I would still have been saving up for a TR or a Matchless and playing an old Fender Pro Tube and hating it.

Still hoping NIk will bring em back.........

Hey Hywelg is there a particular amp you are interested in building? I got rather familiar with Mouser and what components to substitute when I built my TW express clone from scratch. Let me know if I can help!


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« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2011, 01:48:19 PM »

Thanks Todd, no nothing in particular at the moment. I was going to build a BM100 but didn't make my mind up in time.
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« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2011, 03:23:15 PM »

i would rather play em than build em.
I'm not sure why building and playing can't be equally as enjoyable. Being able to build an amp has no bearing on how well or how much enjoyment I get out of playing guitar. In fact I think I might just get a bit more enjoyment out of playing guitar with an amp I built.

It's easy to get sidetracked into spending too much time messing with gear to the detriment of one's guitar playing skills.
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« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2011, 03:54:02 PM »

Hi guys

Well, I think we thought long and hard abt kits.

If we do it, the board MUST be prewired, otherwise it gets very hard to pick em up one by one, and prone to mistakes. I feel that offering assembled board vs non, cost is abt same in terms of time as well as in terms of costs in resending missed parts.

2ndly, we wont be able to stock all the types of caps people want. Now we have Sozo, Mallory 150, 6PS, and 715P, and some odds and ends for the coupling caps. Definitely there'd be people who want Mallory PVCs, or other brands.

But, BARE BONES kits, we still do. This is the same exact thing as before, except you dont get capacitors, resistors, wire, and also screws (board screws are included). And of course, cheaper price.

i havent updated website because we will soon have a totally new one very soon. it's a total revamp/do.

Soon, once I have the online shopping cart, I guess we can offer the components on an a la carte basis. But NOT tied to any kit in particular. Therefore, the kit builder will be able to buy barebones, and then choose whatever he wants.

I think this is the easier way and a win win.  I get to sell it in an easier way, and builder will be able to buy with some choices for the components, right?


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« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2011, 04:13:37 PM »

Thank you Nik for chiming in, and doing so as to not yell at everyone taking such liberties with YOUR BUSINESS...  Grin

That does sound like a win/win, Nik.  Too many models, too many options, too many optional components... It has to become a nightmare at some point.  Maybe it did already!!!!

You shouldn't try to provide everything for scratch builders, but for those looking to build from a "kit" mentality.  People that can do some of it, but don't feel they can do it all (yet). Some might not have time (likfe me) to go get everything.  Personally, I think a board + assembly minus the trannies, tubes, and cab is a pretty reasonable compromise.  I'd say the board assembly would be a snap for me, but that is because of my experience.  Everything else will take some more care in my builds because that is where I have less experience.

If a customer wants to do more work, they need to provide more of the parts too.  (Personally, if I didn't build at least 90% of it, I would be concerned about having my name on it.  A subpar build by a novice doesn't help business.) If somebody is ready for a scratch build, they can get most of the stuff domestically for the same price or less after everything is factored in.  Ceriatone is selling its name (reputation), its know how, its quality component selection, and its build quality.  You give some of that away (more and more) the closer it gets to a scratch build.

If you try to do too many versions of the amp line as kits, I think it would become total chaos...
T Wilcox
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« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2011, 04:27:07 PM »

Hey thats good news Nik.
Guess the main thing for some about getting the bare bones is having to get the remaining parts from multiple other vendors.

Hey you didn't forget to vote did you Grin

Cant wait to see the new website


Plexi bass 1986 ( build #6 )
Ceriatone Ultra Champ ( build #5 )
TW Express clone ( build #4 )
Ceriatone HRM MK2 ( build #3 )
Ceriatone 2550  ( Build #2 )
Ceriatone OTS FM50 Modern Eagle Mod (Build #1)
EBMM Steve Morse original
50th anniv American Strat
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