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Author Topic: OTS MFX Recommendations?  (Read 14201 times)
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« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2009, 05:04:51 PM »

Hi again,

I agree with what has been said about just use your ears and play and don't worry about the technical details.

Checking out numerous devices is darn near impossible. 1. I live a long way from Bangkok. 2. The MFX units take a great deal of time to even get around, let alone get the sound you want. This is a bit difficult in a guitar store, given ambient noise and time constraints.3. Even if it was possible, the questions I have would require my lugging at least my head and a guitar around (forget the cab).

I think the G-System is the most flexible system out there, plus, with the best reverbs, and delays - effects I'll actually use. But I have to know if there is an inherent flaw in the way it will work with the OTS. Mitch seemed to think so, and his understanding of electronics is overwhelmingly greater than my own.

I was thinking about sending a PM to Klein, because he'd have to know this stuff. The guy I mentioned before, Laird, has been fooling around with the G-System for years, and has a grasp on the electronic issues that confront the user of the thing. That's why 1. I asked the following questions regarding the specs on the loop. Heck, at this point, I don't know if it's a serial loop, or a parallel loop. I don't know what effect the Klein has on this either. So, if anyone knows, please inform me.

So, I hate to ask this question again, but if someone knows the answer, or where I can dig it up online, please let me know. If you can provide the following information about the OTS, it would be most useful:

1) Loop topology (parallel, serial, switchable?)
2) Loop Send Nominal Output Impedance (in ohms...)
3) Loop Send level (+4db?, -10db?, switchable?)
4) Loop Return input impedance (in ohms or k-ohms, or M-ohms)
5) Presence of a gain makeup stage at the loop return.
6) Nominal Input impedance of the main input


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« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2009, 07:13:39 PM »

So, I hate to ask this question again, but if someone knows the answer, or where I can dig it up online, please let me know. If you can provide the following information about the OTS, it would be most useful:

1) Loop topology (parallel, serial, switchable?)
2) Loop Send Nominal Output Impedance (in ohms...)
3) Loop Send level (+4db?, -10db?, switchable?)
4) Loop Return input impedance (in ohms or k-ohms, or M-ohms)
5) Presence of a gain makeup stage at the loop return.
6) Nominal Input impedance of the main input

OK I'll have ago at answering some these , but you'll likely have to ask Nik or Mike(?) Klein.

1)  Serial, not switcheable unless you make your own. Passive ie no gain make-up what you lose is lost hence the need for the Klein or similar.
2) Don't know, sorry
3) I think the level depends somewhat on your input volume and ratio levels
4) Don't know, sorry
5) None this is a passive loop
6) Don't know, sorry

Personally I believe this amp is designed to be simple, after all it is 3 preamp valves and 2/4 poweramp valves. Compare this with my Fender Twin Amp which if my memory serves me well was 8+4. I had problems when I used my G# in the loop of the OTS on its own, it sucked tone badly. I then used a BBe Crossover to boost the signal prior to the G# and that improved it but I needed to be able to A/B and thats why I went with the Klein with footswitcheable hard bypass. It works well now. I strongly suggest you use a system that you can take out of circuit easily so you can be sure in your own mind its not messing with your tone. And it must be a true bypass, most of the TC stuff is not a true bypass as far as I know.

I think we can be sure that the combination of a Klein and any of the TC rack mount gear works well with the OTS, so why not go for this and get a really good Midi floor switch. There is no body of testing/opinion for other systems and if it was me and I was going your route I'd go for a Gigrig http://www.thegigrig.com/acatalog/FAQ_Amp_FX_Loop_Setup.html system. You could talk to them on the phone and I'm sure you'd get better service than from a big Corp like TC. I do believe you need to talk to someone who has actually tried a G-System in a PASSIVE loop and whose opinion on tone you can trust before shelling out for one.

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« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2009, 06:43:15 AM »


Thanks, y'all for your input. I've made available the PDF I received from Laird, who has a lot of familiarity with the G-System, and a lot more expertise in electronics than I.

He described his "White Paper" as a work in progress, and is open to corrections/advice, etc. Though it discusses how to get the G-System configured, it has a lot to say about several things. I found his discussion of loops to be informative, in fact, rather eye opening.

He said I could make it available. I guess I should say that I found it by looking at the TC Electronic forum, sub-forum G-System.

One person commenting on the G-System manual said, "If you do decide on a G, throw away the manual and read all of Laird's golden info - he really deserves to get free TC products for life!!"

I sent a PM to Mitch, and others asking them to read this white paper. The G-System still seems like my best option, the next would be a Boss GT10, or something I'd solely run in the fx loop, and maybe a compressor pedal and volume pedal into the OTS. I have to make an order from W. LA Music this week that I've delayed too long already. The only variable is whether the G-System is part of the order or not.

Also, if there are any other user's of the G-System with the OTS what do you like and dislike about the combination?

Anyway, take a look at the PDF, and post any comments you have.

Thanks again,


* Configuring and Troubleshooting Your G-System.pdf (336.28 KB - downloaded 9043 times.)
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« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2009, 09:00:30 AM »

Having started to read that document I began to think, if its that complex its not the right thing to couple with an OTS. The OTS is a simple amp (albeit with a lot of complex wiring for the switching options), very well done. I'd advise you keep it that way. Use analog true bypass wherever possible and if you absolutely have to go Digital for your fx make sure you can hard bypass them, because frankly otherwise you will have wasted your money on the OTS.
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« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2009, 06:07:46 PM »

Hi again!

I don't know if y'all realize how much time I put into this issue. I need some effects to do some recording, and I have an OTS without effects, and a POD with too many.

What I want the point of this post to center around is the 4 Cable Method (4CM) that is employed by the G-System and the Boss GT-10.

It seems there are only two posters that have had any experience with the OTS + Kleinulator and this setup, Mitch with the TC Electronic G-System, and poticasoti with a GT-10. Both had bad experiences. I don't know if Scott (poticasoti) was able to make his work eventually.

The reason I get into this again, is I just realized it will take me upwards of $1,600 to have a G-System delivered to Thailand, and I can buy a GT-10 in Bangkok for about $510 total. The TC has some features I really like, but I can get by with the GT-10,

So I decided to buy the GT-10 next week in Bangkok.But doing a search on it in the Overtone forum, no one has any good things to say about it. Bad sounding, or sucks tone. What's wrong with this picture? Also, because of the way the search engine works, you can't search the numeral 4. So there may be more people who have used the 4CM 4 Cable Method, but I can't search it. I only find responses from Mitch and Scotty.

Now I got a Kleinulator, with the OTS because it seemed like a good thing. But there are some effects in the chain that should go before the pre-amp and others in the loop. If I can't get this downfall of the 4 cable method figured out soon, the only thing I can think to do is buy at least a compressor for use up-front, and put something like a G-Major 2 in the effects loop. Still can't do everything I want with that setup, but it will probably get me by.

Unless any of you have any answers. Why would the 4 cable method behave badly with a OTS + Klein? If any of you could read the PDF (downloadable from my post above) or answer the 6 technical questions I posted earlier, it might help considerably. The PDF is theoretically dealing with configuring the G-System, but it goes much further than that, and I highly recommend reading it.

I asked those 6 questions to Nik over a week ago, and am surprised at his lack of response. He's far and away one of the most responsive emailers I've encountered in 13 years of emailing. I also sent a PM to Mike Klein, but haven't received an answer yet.

At any rate, I have spent probably upwards of 80 hours on this. It took me about 8 minutes to decide to buy the OTS. I'm suffering from MFX burn-out syndrome!

Thanks again,

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