I was actually thinking that a loop buffer as only needed for folks that wanted to use regular pedals in the loop and that products like the kleinulator were hard / expensive / slow to come by - so I thought I was doing the odd poster a favor, but now you guys got me thinking ...
I was checking out the Radial Mix some time ago, but I couldn't figure out whether it could be used in the loop and it says:
Q: Can I use the MIX in between my amp’s send and return loop on the back of the head?
A: Yes! Just keep in mind that this should be a guitar level send and return which most amps will be equipped with. Check the amp’s owner’s manual to be sure.
Do you think its ok for the Overtone?
I was trying to to figure that out too Marin. After I posted I realized they may be intended to create an "effects loop" before the amp (i.e. have a group of pedals you can insert and remove from your line up). From their response, it seems like it shouldn't be used in the loop of an amp like the Overtone. I assume by "guitar level" they mean "instrument level" which is -20dB. The loop of the Overtone runs higher than that - although according to my rack gear it never exceeds "line level" (0dB) even with the preamp volume pretty high and the PAB engaged.
The X-blender is the same type of product as the MIX, so I don't think that would work either.
My understanding about the Overtone effects loop is that it is a typical "insert" style loop:
There is no buffering - it sends the signal right out of the preamp near or at line level
Its a series loop - there is no mixing of the signal send out with the dry signal from the amp unless the gear you are doing does that. It is a series "make or break" connection - preamp out, power amp in.
This is why using standard effect pedals in the loop of an amp like this is generally a bad idea. They are not designed to handle line level signals, but rather instrument level signals. And they often don't allow a mix of the wet and dry signals.
I have used rack gear or gear that can handle line or pro levels in the loop with great results. I'm currently using a TC Electronic G-sharp for reverbs and delays and I love it! But short of using rack gear the Iron Sounds loop Chris mentioned sounds good:
http://mysite.verizon.net/resqaaya/products.htmlAlso, heres some info on effects loop in general. I found this to be a great education!