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Author Topic: fx loop question  (Read 17360 times)
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« on: July 03, 2008, 08:51:00 PM »

Hi guys
is the master volume after or before the fx loop?
I noticed the master volume influences the level of the reverb (in the loop)
I'm using the Kleinulator.
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« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2008, 10:03:32 PM »

Before the FX-loop.
It functions like a Send level pot.
When I use my Intellifex, the master is on 5.

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« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2008, 06:39:36 AM »

tnx Dave

Hmm that makes setting the level of the Kleinulator even more complicated. I wish I had stayed with my digital amp ;-)

I noticed Marin has the new AXE-FX. Blasphemy!
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« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2008, 07:20:52 AM »

I have switched between Tubes and modelling myself a few times.
But I always come back to tubes.
With A/D D/A converters you'll alway have a little delay (like 2 - 3 ms)
not much your ears won't hear it, but your brain is harder to deceive.
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« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2008, 07:33:11 AM »

OK back on topic...

When you set the Master around  2 you get -10dB like setting in the effectsloop.
The Master around 5 you get +4dB like setting (Rack/Line level).
I have build the old Kleinulator and it was much more intinuitive than the recent version.
My Kleinulator has Send, Mix and Return which speak for themselves.

The new ones have Send, Return and Recovery, I think that Return & Recovery are the same
thing so why 2 controls?
If it is set up like I think it is, then try this:
Max the Send and Return knobs, set Recovery to 0.
Adjust the Master on the OT so that the G-Sharp isn't overloading.
Set the output of the G-sharp to -10dB and max the output knob.
Then use Recovery for overal Volume.
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« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2008, 08:08:15 AM »

Cheers for that info Dave!
I'll try as soon as I get home. Damned work ;-)
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« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2008, 12:03:14 PM »

You need an update on the Kleinulator


Your are ruining you fine DUMBLE tone through your processors AD/DA converters.

You might argue that Robben Ford is using digital devices in serial Dumbleator loop, yes but the TC 2290, has an analog internal parallel mixer.The vast majority of digital processors will ruin your signal. Period  Wink

Respect for the big guy's work....we're at this part of the forum because of HAD's amps.
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« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2008, 12:10:20 PM »

now you tell me  Grin

I do feel putting the master volume before the fx loop is a design mistake.
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« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2008, 01:10:36 PM »

You need an update on the Kleinulator


Your are ruining you fine DUMBLE tone through your processors AD/DA converters.

You might argue that Robben Ford is using digital devices in serial Dumbleator loop, yes but the TC 2290, has an analog internal parallel mixer.The vast majority of digital processors will ruin your signal. Period  Wink

That's an exaggeration. Lots of folks run serial digital delays and reverbs in their loop, period. Wink
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« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2008, 03:28:36 PM »

Woaw just receive my overtone.

My impression are a bit the same as Steven_nl's ones

The clean channel is IMPRESSIVE, it can be thin, or warm, jazzy, bluesy, for those who wondering if you can have a fenderish bluesy tone with a strat, I YES and what a tone !!!

And for those who wondering if you can approach the John Mayer's clean tone I say yes. I plugged my little Marshall Compressor one the clean Channel, and damn, I can't say that I have (with my cheap mexican strat) the Mayer/TwoRock's clean tone, but I'm REALLY REALLY close.

As Steven_nl's said, the OD channel need some tweaking to find a good setting with single coils (I mainly play stratocaster), this week-end I will try different 12ax7 (I have several NOS in my other amp (mullar, RTF, Phillips, Miniwatt) (If someone can told me wich ones is the V1, V2 etc and what they do it would be helpfull). I will try different setting to attenuate the little big "aggressive" tone of the OD Channel.

I think I will have a great week-end eheh Grin
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2008, 03:41:44 PM »

now you tell me  Grin

I do feel putting the master volume before the fx loop is a design mistake.

A design mistake? Huh? Tell mr D about it... Grin
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« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2008, 04:42:46 PM »

@Nathan congrats mon ami

@Erwin Obviously that's a dumb remark iof me, but I wonder why you would want the master volume in front of the fx loop. That way it is even harder to get a good balance.

One more question. I have an Option5 Leslie in my loop in front of my reverb (G Sharp). It makes the sound a whole lot softer when I use it. There is no volume on the Option5.
any suggestions?
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« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2008, 07:58:32 PM »

Woaw just receive my overtone.

My impression are a bit the same as Steven_nl's ones

The clean channel is IMPRESSIVE, it can be thin, or warm, jazzy, bluesy, for those who wondering if you can have a fenderish bluesy tone with a strat, I YES and what a tone !!!

And for those who wondering if you can approach the John Mayer's clean tone I say yes. I plugged my little Marshall Compressor one the clean Channel, and damn, I can't say that I have (with my cheap mexican strat) the Mayer/TwoRock's clean tone, but I'm REALLY REALLY close.

As Steven_nl's said, the OD channel need some tweaking to find a good setting with single coils (I mainly play stratocaster), this week-end I will try different 12ax7 (I have several NOS in my other amp (mullar, RTF, Phillips, Miniwatt) (If someone can told me wich ones is the V1, V2 etc and what they do it would be helpfull). I will try different setting to attenuate the little big "aggressive" tone of the OD Channel.

I think I will have a great week-end eheh Grin

Try to turn the od trim way down to 8:30-09:00 - its a much less agressive sound, just a tip

Respect for the big guy's work....we're at this part of the forum because of HAD's amps.
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« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2008, 02:18:31 PM »

Woaw just receive my overtone.

My impression are a bit the same as Steven_nl's ones

The clean channel is IMPRESSIVE, it can be thin, or warm, jazzy, bluesy, for those who wondering if you can have a fenderish bluesy tone with a strat, I YES and what a tone !!!

And for those who wondering if you can approach the John Mayer's clean tone I say yes. I plugged my little Marshall Compressor one the clean Channel, and damn, I can't say that I have (with my cheap mexican strat) the Mayer/TwoRock's clean tone, but I'm REALLY REALLY close.

As Steven_nl's said, the OD channel need some tweaking to find a good setting with single coils (I mainly play stratocaster), this week-end I will try different 12ax7 (I have several NOS in my other amp (mullar, RTF, Phillips, Miniwatt) (If someone can told me wich ones is the V1, V2 etc and what they do it would be helpfull). I will try different setting to attenuate the little big "aggressive" tone of the OD Channel.

I think I will have a great week-end eheh Grin

Try to turn the od trim way down to 8:30-09:00 - its a much less agressive sound, just a tip

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« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2008, 10:06:51 PM »

No!! yours is 14:30 o'clock. but if you like the sound go for it! ;-) but try to turn the opposite direction below 09:00 and tell me what you think - Perhaps you need to turn the gain and volume a bit higher, but you will get a less buzzed/marshallisque sound and more clean compression in the OD - that way I hear more Robben Ford in my amp, but your taste might be different

Respect for the big guy's work....we're at this part of the forum because of HAD's amps.
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