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Question: What's the the best sounding loop in your opinion?
Kleinulator   -4 (17.4%)
Dumblelator   -16 (69.6%)
Honestly I don't hear a difference.   -3 (13%)
Total Voters: 21

Author Topic: Dumblelator vs. Kleinulator  (Read 60880 times)
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« Reply #60 on: January 22, 2010, 12:01:29 AM »

The Fx loop of the OTS is NOT line level; if you crank your mastervolume on the amp it's possible you toast your fx unit.
Some builders report a voltage swing of 100v before going into the phase inverter. I don't think the Klein can compete with that.

100V input to an op-amp chip? With what, supplies of +-15V?Huh??? Would make a nice PWM (clipper) while it lasts.

Vexing problem, this loop thing.

Maybe  Larry Carlton was right all along? Just mic the dry Dumble and process it downstream.

Sorry to be so glib, you've certainly done your share to solve the D-Enigma, many hours I'm sure.
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« Reply #61 on: March 28, 2010, 09:16:28 PM »

Would somebody please tell me what both the Dumbleator and the Kleinulator are for?
« Reply #62 on: March 29, 2010, 06:35:39 AM »

Would somebody please tell me what both the Dumbleator and the Kleinulator are for?
Impendance matching and tone shaping at line levels in the OTS/HRM/Blluesmaster fx-loop.
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« Reply #63 on: March 29, 2010, 07:13:22 AM »

Would somebody please tell me what both the Dumbleator and the Kleinulator are for?
In simple terms. If you want to put effect pedals or rack effects in your fx loop, there might be a signal mismatch. Especially with older gear.
The Dumbleator and Kleinulator solve this problem. You'll get a better quality of you effects and no loss of volume. They also change the sound of the amp a bit. making it less harsh.
« Reply #64 on: March 29, 2010, 11:57:06 AM »

I listened a couple of times to the clip and for me, the Dumblelator is more balanced, more 'in your face' and has better clarity, especially in the clips with overdrive. The Kleinulator then sounds a bit muffled but maybe because Erwin tweaked his amp to the Dumblelator Wink ?

I have to say, if I wouldn't listen carefully I wouldn't hear a difference...

Erwin, do you use the Dumblelator as a kind of attenuator device? I remember you puted tthe Overtone Special up loud (on 1 o'clock?) and the Dumblelator at a much lower volume?

1,5 month to go...
« Reply #65 on: March 29, 2010, 01:06:04 PM »

Hi Emiel,

Maybe I will take down the samples.
I now use the dumblelator with different knob settings than I used to. Also my amp has been modded since those clips, to have a better sound with the dumblelator.
If you listen to my amp now without a dumblelator it's the most harsh sounding amp ever. With dumblelator it's heaven Smiley
Maybe there's a opportunity to do it all over again. The differences will be much bigger than represented in those sound samples.

Yes the master on the amp is at 1-2 'o clock, the dumblelator most right knob acts as a master volume.

Good luck with the waiting job Grin

I listened a couple of times to the clip and for me, the Dumblelator is more balanced, more 'in your face' and has better clarity, especially in the clips with overdrive. The Kleinulator then sounds a bit muffled but maybe because Erwin tweaked his amp to the Dumblelator Wink ?

I have to say, if I wouldn't listen carefully I wouldn't hear a difference...

Erwin, do you use the Dumblelator as a kind of attenuator device? I remember you puted tthe Overtone Special up loud (on 1 o'clock?) and the Dumblelator at a much lower volume?

1,5 month to go...

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