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Author Topic: Bluesmaster 50 Speaker Update..Updated Again!! :)  (Read 15702 times)
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« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2011, 03:43:37 AM »

I used 2 vintage  EvM12L's (Mesa labeled from the 80's) for the 1st year with a Bluesmaster and switched to Celestion G1265's because the Ev's had almost too much Bottom end bass response not to mention the extreme weight with a 2x12 cab.

 After a while I dug the sound of the G1265's (and still do) but bought a second cab and put a g1265 and an Eminence Texas Heat in it, this config seems to have a great balance with articulate Mids and highs, not overly bright like the Ev's. Although with non-HRM Skyliner type amps I just prefer g1265's.

  Believe it or not the sound of the Ev's and the G1265's is not that different, headroom and efficiency is the only big difference IMO. I play extremely loud mic'd and the Ev's don't have the same feedback quality's as the g1265's, I'd say that the Ev's have too much headroom for my liking. This is all IMHO though, too many variable's to consider, everybody has there own preference.

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« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2011, 02:00:35 PM »

tyes EVM12's are expensive... but i reckon you will save in the long run. by the tme you have stuffed about trying all the others... you will ultimately still wonder about the EV.

its an excellent speaker, with a super solid bottom end that will take everything the amp throws at it. its also far more sentive which means more dB's per watt.

the 1265 is a good speaker, but its not an EV
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« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2011, 05:28:52 AM »

My (as usual) unusual $.02...

New Cab Day, New Speakers Day soon...



With these...


I really really like the two cabs I am using with my C-tone 50w HRM+C-lator and C-tone/Marsh OTS fsx-50 Overlord...a 2/12 semi closed back stuffed with JBL G125's, and an old possibly Gibson semi closed back 1/15 housing a vintage Jensen Vibranto, both setups are fat and lush, no ice pick.  The JBL's in their cab are brighter on top.  I also have a pre EVM 12s by Altec Lansing, the ER 12s, same frame and cone as the EV unit, liked the tight and big bottom end, but found it to be a bit too bright on top sitting in a Bedrock 651 1/12 50w combo... 

But I have been jonesing to try a pair of Altec types, and having a soft spot for vintage alnico drivers, I thought I'd give these redone 600b's a try.  Originally they were rated for around 30 watts apiece, they predate the 417 series of alnico speakers that HAD and Carlos Santana liked.  I can't post clips, but will describe how they do once they arrive and I give them some break in time in the new cab.  This eBay seller re-does up a lot of one off speakers for guitar, most I have seen of his listed on eBay are done up in hemp.  I like the fact that he is willing to take back if the buyer doesn't like them, know any of the big mfg's that do that?
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« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2011, 02:17:38 AM »

Tone report time...

The speakers finally arrived, I rear mounted them in this cab.  Using my (vintage tubed) 50w HRM w/ neg feedback lifted, 16 ohm output setting, huge, fat, smooth, oozy, with gorgeous harmonic bloom.  No bark with these.  You don't need any high pf cables between the c-lator and amp with this setup, you hear the highs but they are very smooth.  No bottom end flab, but the bottom is very big in this higher than normal volume cab, no need to use the deep switch.  At window rattling loudness tones are similar to small room volumes, very linear volume/tones relationship.  These speakers in this cab are darker than I expected, but the harmonic bloom on the long notes is truly spectacular, all strings, and all over the neck.  The cab build quality was not especially wonderful, but for the price what to expect?  This eBay seller does up some pretty Frankenstein-ly speaker recones, not a herd follower.  Does customs too.  Great packing job. 

Me likey lots...

end hijack... Wink
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« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2011, 12:02:21 AM »

very cool!!!! i have thought about maybe doin the eminence cannabis rex and cannabis minor combo at some point, but for now i am VERY hapy with the Webers, now that i have the rest of the amp tuned properly. I'll update that in the new valves thread Wink here----->http://ceriatoneforum.com/index.php?topic=3859.0

Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2011, 03:09:21 AM »

So, I emailed eminence about the 12698 G1's that i have had since the mid 90's and i recently swapped back into the BM that i really like and found out something interesting. I thought that maybe they were close to the Legend 1258's or 1218's but I got this response:

Hi Gregory,
12698 was a custom design that we manufactured to our customer's specifications.  The closest stock model we offer is the Delta-12A.

Anthony Lucas | Sr. ab Tech
Eminence Speaker LLC>
 P.O. Box 360
 838 Mulberry Pike
 Eminence, KY 40019

Now, the Delta 12A is very similar to the Delta Pro 12A which as some of you may know was used as a substitute foe the EV-12L when they went out of production. The specs between the two are quite similar, with somewhat flat, neutral, and uncolored response. The Pro as a larger magnet similiar to the EV and a lil deeper response, and has been said to be "less sterile" than the EV.

The Delta 12A is $56 US and the The Delta Pro 12A is about $120 US

Certainly food for thought

« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 03:28:41 AM by plasticvonaband » Logged

Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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