Yes,it´s build by Nik and everything is "stock" in it.....i ordered it with half/full powerswitch and a switchable choke....
But to me there's no use for the powerswitch because the effect of it is so lame u can hardly hear it (that's why i use only those 2 centermost powertubes in there)....but the choke really makes a difference soundwise,it sort of smoothes things up quite a bit......
It cleans up ok with my Strat which is loaded with Lindy Fralin's Vintage Hot Pickups with the Lindy's volume kit(resistor&capacitor) but it doesn´t clean up nicely with my Reverend Charger w/P-90(No volume kit)....But i haven't tested Expression so i don't know how well it cleans up when backing off the volume......
But anyway u can´t get that type of clean tones out of it comparing to Marshal Super Lead or Fender type of amps.......
In my opinion it sounds best with P-90's and humbuggers.....singlecoils just doesn't sound that good........Maybe the word "harsh" works with singlecoils....

This really is a "One trick-a-pony" but it does it extremely well.....but if versatility is what you're after then u propably have to skip this beast.....
Faceplate is ok,with that small tattoo of Asian lizard....(or whatever it is....

I don't dare to send any photos of my amp coz the headshell is made by me and it might give you wrong impression about the amp......

In other words.....the headshell sucks!!!!!