Hi all , im new to this forum so bear with me :-) ,, im after a single channel valve head and im very interested in the JTM45 / 50 ... i just have a few questions which i hope you guys can help me with .
First , how much clean headroom is available on these amps

is there more on the 50 ?? is there a tone difference between the two ??
I play professionally so i need an amp thats going to cut it live .. i currently use a 1990 Les Paul standard into Boss TU-2 - Morley Bad Horsie - Fulltone Fulldrive 2 (anniversary model) - Tc Electronics Nova Delay - Fulltone Choral Flange - Amp (mesa single rectifier.. for sale atm .. lol ) - Cornford 2x12 Cab with Vintage 30's
I really want the Cornford MK50 mk2 head .. but at £2000 its just too expensive .. lol and the Mesa just sounds crap ..
Hope you guys can help