Hi All,
First time post. I recently finished my dizzy with West Labs iron and nos glass. I'm absolutely loving it. I realized though that my tone switch seemed a little wonky. Laid out like Matchless it should start thin in position 1 and progressively get thicker moving clockwise to position 6. Mine does this but goes back thin at position 5 and 6. Being the left brained kinda guy I am, I wired my switch in alphabetical order as pictured on the current dizzy layout -
http://www.ceriatone.com/images/layoutPic/matchlessLayout/Dizzy30Ceriatone.jpg - with position 1 being wired to "I" on the board. If you want it to work as intended ignore the alphabetical order and wire as follows. Switch position: 1=M, 2=N, 3=I, 4=J, 5=K, 6=L. The earlier layout doesn't use letters and just shows wiring. Hope this helps a future builder.