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Author Topic: Downgrade all parts to Asian made (aka are people really that blind?)  (Read 32901 times)
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« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2010, 11:09:06 AM »

Hi Nik,

The parts on your OTS kit are overall good.

However you should take a look at your electrolytics. They were all off spec in my OTS. F.e; One 4,7uF electrolytic holy grail cap was measured 2,8 uF! For a cathode bypass cap that's very bad.

The OT in my OTS(may2008) was dark sounding. A MM was much better, however: I did some mods on several Ceriatone OTS  and noticed that later production OTS have other OT's?  The Ot's for the OTS from summer 2008 till now are good sounding OT's they can hold up easily with the MM's.

One other thing to mention for building the OTS: keep the grid, cathode and plate wires away from the heater wires. It kills tone. I mentioned it before but modding several OTS I keep seeing this wrong wiring.

Hope this helps,

Greetz Erwin
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 08:29:37 PM by erwin_ve » Logged
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« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2010, 05:53:19 PM »

Hi Erwin_ve,

did you source your mm transformers in europe, and did they make much of a difference ?. Any feedback appreciated.

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« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2010, 09:07:02 PM »

Hi Erwin_ve,

did you source your mm transformers in europe, and did they make much of a difference ?. Any feedback appreciated.


Hi Riverman; If your amp is after summer 2008 I won't bother. If it's before check: http://ceriatoneforum.com/index.php?topic=981.0
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« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2010, 01:07:17 AM »

Hi Nik
The negative comments on other forums of the quality of your components that you use, are totally unfounded.

It is either driven by jelousness and / or pure snobbery or by your competition.

Everyone that has had a go on my HRM was blown away on how good it sounds

Keep up the great work you have my future business. I can feel some GAS coming on. Grin

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« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2010, 04:15:52 PM »

Hey Nik.

I'm new to the forum, but have known and been using your amps for a while. For the record, your amps are incredible, a true joy to play, and stand loud and proud among most "boutique" amps I've heard. I know a good guitar tone when I hear it, and man, your 18Watters, JTM45 amps and specially the Overtones are lovely. The Overtone Special, damn, that one is good. Chimey clean tone, all the way to touch sensitive, smooth singing overdrive... Paired with the right speaker (loving the Delta Pro12a, BTW), this amps deliver the most inspiring, luscious tone ever.

So, never mind snobery coated, moronic comments like that. I know who'll be getting my money when I buy my next amp...
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« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2010, 04:43:11 PM »

Hi there !

I'm new lucky owner of an OTS 50w and a new poster on this site.
This type of amp is really new, amazing to me (I never could afford before) and I'm re-discovering my guitar. Ideas to write songs come to me at night. Not easy to handle but so interesting to investigate. It's like a banana with 25.352.456 ends. Don't know which to take in hand or which to eat first ! I don't worry, the only thing is to play, play, and play and plea...sure !

Thanks again, Nick and all of your team around. Keep your faith in your job, no one can waste that.
Bernard (from France)
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« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2010, 03:21:44 AM »

Those guys are just a bunch of booteek snobs that spend more time rubbing their Mecury Magnetic transformers against their scrotums, than actually playing music.

if asian made parts sound the same as "standard" parts, then use Asian-made parts. at the end of it all, we appreciate music with our ears, not our eyes.

just remember that Ceriatone has a strong reputation that is not going to be easily destroyed by a bunch of losers. Brand image? Just let your products speak for themselves.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 03:27:07 AM by sharp__edge » Logged
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« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2010, 04:20:41 PM »

Wow, I forgot to check this!

I blame it on the weed for the rant! Sorry guys!

Anyways, thanks for the kind support, much appreciated.

OK, we will go on mode for more information on stuff we use!

Most of the passives come from USA anyways, so... the difference is, we just buy a shitload of em in one shot. Like enough for a full year or two each time.

Abt the lytics, I will check. Are you sure it's not 2.2uf instead of 4.7uf for printed value? The amp uses both.  These come from a co. here in a state where Intel and AMD have facilities and they supply. 105 degree (long life) rated, should be no issue.

105 degree does mean different electrolytes. Higher cost I suppose but nobody's boiling caps no more I guess, so the benefit isnt that noticeable Smiley

As for trannies - do burn in. Malaysia, and the region, is sort of on upswing from the economic downturn.

What that means is, demand is high for lams. It used to be, the lams we used were actually 1-2 years old. Now, sometimes the lams are hot from stamping, ie real fresh, when we make the trannies.

Might be voodoo here, but there's some difference for sure. After some time, it'd settle down.

Same make, Japanese Z11 lams from Tamura. Same wire supply from Sumitomo.

Anyways, it'd be a long night if need to write everything down.

I guess writeups are the way to go, and you all know how keen I am on those! Smiley



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« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2010, 09:42:32 PM »

I recently built an 18W version of a JTM45 using one of Niks boards, loved the amp so much I built another using Sozo vintage, F&T, NOS Carbon comps (checked for value) and just about every other expensive component I could find!!  They do sound a bit different to each other but overall I like the one using Niks board better!!

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« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2010, 07:53:46 AM »

Nik has top notch stuff. The amps do sound a little bit different than a "real" vintage ones. They are little bit more detailed, hairy ,brighter and in your face face sounding, but they do sound amazing. Compare any Ceriatone amp to a new amp in a store for that kind of price. New amp just plain suck imho they lack character and sound cold. If you really want a "vintage" tone just replace trannies and caps and you are there. But i would replace caps first and i'm sure it would be enough Smiley. I also noticed that newer Ceriatone sound even better than earlier ones. Not sure why but oh well... Smiley

Also even if you dont like the sound of the amp so much you can always tweak it. Sometimes you have to change some values to make the amp from sounding good to great.So all the components and tansformers talk to each other as they should. Dont buy trannies because you will think it will sound better  just play with the values first because no amp is the same!!! Just get those components and trannies talking and you are set. If you have a good ear you can do it!!!

So anyway NIK has some great stuff!!!

Music has to breathe and sweat. You have to play it live
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« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2011, 08:35:50 AM »

keep doing what you do so well Nik - building great amps that are affordable - and improving and creating new models

As Duane Allman said " Music is supposed to be fun" - word up !!  and game over Smiley

keep on shining nik Smiley
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« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2013, 02:49:39 PM »

I can't speak for anyone but myself. You have built me about 6 amps to date. Some I have sold simply because of the fact that I can't afford a multi-amp collection  Cry But I have never had an issue with your build quality! I have always highly recommended your amps to friends and nothing gets better advertising than people hearing your amps. I gig with them regularly and depend on them and they never let me down! There will always be a handful of naysayers putting you down for whatever reason. I say @#$% 'em! Just keep doing what you do!

Actually it will be 7 amps as Nik is building me a 1986 bass! Woo-hoo!  Grin
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