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Author Topic: Downgrade all parts to Asian made (aka are people really that blind?)  (Read 32954 times)
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« on: June 02, 2010, 09:55:55 PM »

Hi there,

  I'd like your opinion.

  Should I just downgrade all the parts in my amps to all Asian made stuff?

  I am asking since using "standard" stuff doesn't seem to make any difference to the perception on parts that we use in the amps.

  "Standard" here defined as what the other booteeks use.

  I see on the other forums how we use Asian made parts of low quality. The very same people talk in great detail on quality.

  Yet, it seems a bit off to me, when they cannot tell or identify Mallory 150 from an Orange Drop, or even know that there are many types of Orange Drop caps.

  And lets not even get into RN65D resistors, or the likes.

  I mean, if you want to say I use low quality stuff, you gotta know what I actually use, right?

  I guess, if this is how it's going, I might just save the money and reduce the prices more, by just using "Asian" parts. Using quality parts do not count, if you're not there.
  Sorry for the rant, but I guess snake oil is here to stay. And, no, dont get my faceplates, it'd make your amp sound bad. Really! The cheap faceplate wont jive with your ultra shiny, correct to July 1967 tranny mounting screw.

  I will no longer discuss what parts I use inside the amp. I will just say they're made from processed coconut husk.

  Look at the pics, google to find out more and make comparison, and listen to clips to decide.

  We send out 200 amps per month - 1 fail, thats 0.5% failure.

  Compare to sending out 20, and 1 fail - thats 5% failure.

  I will now shut up and spend time for new amps, and still low(and hopefully lower) costs. Just because I can, and just to piss them off. I am not responsible if that means people can now afford these stuff.

Thank You.




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« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2010, 10:40:45 PM »

Don't listen to them Nik, keep building your amps with quality components as always. Most of these people are nothing more than gearpage consumers who think that paying $300 for a tubescreamer clone is a great deal, what do they know?
Misinformation in the name of the game in this global internet economy. Your reputation speaks for itself. Keep up the good work.
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2010, 10:45:23 PM »

I'd say your vent is well placed. I can't know specifically what forum/thread/post you're reacting to. I've seen the occasional -- always unsubstantiated and vague -- reference to Ceriatone parts, mostly on transformers. But I also read where guys come to your defense, like I recently saw a guy point out your use of Mallorys. And your build quality always gets very high marks. Folks are always going to want to see something like MM/Heyboer/Drake/RadioSpares/Hammond/etc specified just so they can feel good. I also recently read a Metro post where a guy said your trannys were just fine, and told the OP that upgrading his tranny was just a waste of money. A lot of this stuff is just people playing favorites and, frankly the "buy American" mindset comes into play too. I think the best way to dispel the rumor mill is simply respond, politely but aggressively, on the boards. Push back!

As for downgrading your parts, I say HELL NO! Maybe just do a better job of communicating how high the quality of your parts is? Again, if it's really a problem, push back! You have every right, especially if your stuff is being falsely impugned. I suspect that right away if folks see that their unsubstantiated BS might be challenged they'll fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Personally I'd be willing to pay more for genuine coconut husk! Chair Dance

Aside: You should get your hands on a Swart AST. That thing is something special.
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« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2010, 04:01:16 AM »

Hello Nik,

      I have been blown away from the very beginning at the quality and service that you provide to us. Please stay the course with what your doing and to hell with what the snake oil drinking tone snobs say. I work for a vintage music store and tell everyone one who cares about tone about your company. I have heard all the holy grail amps, and what you offer is right up there without having to spend a thousand dollars just to overhaul a vintage amp.

      If I want to spend more to buy expensive trannies that is the extent of what I would do personally. I have blown people away with the stock amp kits you have sold me. I know what I'm getting when I buy from you and I cant wait to buy more.

     Please keep doing what your doing. 
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« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2010, 05:55:11 AM »

People who buy your stuff know what they are getting... and people ranting about it, are not your customers.

Ask your self, do you get more orders or less orders... if you're getting more (which is my guess), than your know what is the general feeling about your amps. Don't go and spoil that.

If you're doing something wrong is MARKETING... man, you suck at that.
First of all, you need to redo your web site... put shitload more info about your amps in there. Be more involved in a forum like this one... perhaps even take an occasional stand in some hostile territories  Wink.

...but be ready to react... more orders will come and you better deliver them all.

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« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2010, 08:43:20 AM »

Some people are just plain ignorant and well bigoted, the people who can see through that are the ones to worry about, I see similarities with what happened to the British motorcycle companies in the 60's, there products where shown to be over priced and well the quality could be questionable at times, along comes the Japanese and well the rest is history...
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« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2010, 07:18:47 PM »

There are always people who will get bitchy, especially if they regard the price they paid for something built in the US as a badge showing how serious they are about music. AFAIK no-one has a better reputation than Nik.

Nik, Just keep doing it the way you know is the correct way....
I couldn't find any genuine-sounding negative reviews anywhere


Dr Tone Control, Strats mostly, prefer saturated clean tones, a little OD sometimes
BM50, JTM45, 36w EF86, DZ30, Expression, + non-Ceriatones (Matchless, Victoria, Wienbrock)
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« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2010, 09:48:02 PM »

I get wound up by the crap i read on some forums about how Ceriatone amps cant possibly be any good cos you dont have to sell all your kidneys to be able to afford one!

Ceriatone amps work VERY well and the customer support is light years ahead of any other company i've dealt with anywhere, im not even sure Nik can be human, he certainly doesnt sleep. What happens if you email any other amp company??? Ive rarely even had a response when ive tried to contact them, which is why the only amps i will ever use now are Ceriatones.
Anyone who knows about electronics will know that the parts are quality - Ive put hundreds of hours of playing through some of my amps and loaned them to pro musicians and ive never had a problem, also i like being able to change a cap or resistor here and there and see what happens without knocking a shed load off the value

Bottom line is, anyone who thinks Niks amps are no good is - WRONG and MISSING THE POINT!
If you cant get them to sound good then YOU'RE the problem!    Nik - Thanks!
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« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2010, 03:06:47 AM »

Nik keep building your amps the way you feel best about them and screw the other crap!! I'm getting one of your amps because of the reviews I've read , the sound clips I listened to and the fact that the price can't be beat!! Grin
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« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2010, 04:59:13 AM »

Hey Nik,

    I have built 2 of your kits and they amaze people that have heard or played through them. I am a Quality Assurance/Quality Control manager and give you
very high marks on overall quality, customer feedback, customer support, and shipping. These are the most important elements of a sucessful company or business.
Your boards and soldering speak for themselves. There will always people who will complain hoping to get some something for less money. They are just a very small minority. Let someone else with a lower quality plan supply them with what they want. Right now your customers are standing behind you and that means a lot. You rank with the best and are trying to continously improve your products. You can't do better than that!!

Stick to your plan and continue to meet or exceed your customers expectations.

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« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2010, 11:39:04 PM »

wow... Come on Nik, when I bought my amp, there was a discrete general knowledge on Ceriatone... I did my research first and found some great comments. That was late 2006! Google Ceriatone now and tell me how many good reffrences can you find!

There is only one specific reason why I have not bought another amp from you, and that is money $$  Grin

But believe, I won't buy no amps from other place than yours. I have seen people ignoring my advice, and regreting it later.

There is no need on changing what you use right now on your amps. If you are using this parts it's because you already researched and decided this is what is needed. Why change?
A forum board can take as much as people can write. Do this guys know the difference between brands because they all have ears like Eric Jhonson? or because they know stuff just like you do? or just because they read somewere else? I can assure you that 95% of this "gurus" spend more time in front of a computer than playing guitar. Why should we care!

The marketing stuff... well something can be done on that part, but it is not an urgency. If the world stop asking for your amps, worry. Otherwise, keep sending amps, that's the relevant part!

Kind regards from Walter, here from Costa Rica!
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« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2010, 02:33:45 AM »


For all of those out there speaking critically just ignore them....what you have is a very dedicated group of buyers/fans who definitely realize the value of what you're producing and the incredible customer service you're providing. No need for you to defend yourself; hell, we know what we have and we're definitely appreciative of all that you do!

I bought your amp for you my son after extensive research and after the recommendations of a local amp builder with over 30 years of experience who told us that in all his years of building/working on amps he'd never seen such "beautiful" (his exact word) craftmanship (wiring).

Best part of the entire experience is having Stephen play his amp live and people come up to him asking him "what kind of amp is that?"  Grin

Keep up the great work!

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« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2010, 05:51:45 PM »

Big +1 to this. I am not sure if Nik is human either! I had some problems and stupid questions and Nik always took the time to help me troubleshoot. Very knowledgable and the support is just him alone which is unbelievable, I don't know how he does it! There is just something satisfying about being able to build your own kit at a VERY reasonable price, prices for a bare kit are just unbelievable and I am working on Kit #2 now. I used to be skeptical about buying a Ceriatone, and after building a amp I decided to take the plunge and build a Ceriatone 100w HRM BM, very glad I decided to, this thing sounds just like boutique built d-style amps that cost 2 to 3x as much that I previously had. 

Keep it up Nik, with more releases you will always have supporters.

I get wound up by the crap i read on some forums about how Ceriatone amps cant possibly be any good cos you dont have to sell all your kidneys to be able to afford one!

Ceriatone amps work VERY well and the customer support is light years ahead of any other company i've dealt with anywhere, im not even sure Nik can be human, he certainly doesnt sleep. What happens if you email any other amp company??? Ive rarely even had a response when ive tried to contact them, which is why the only amps i will ever use now are Ceriatones.
Anyone who knows about electronics will know that the parts are quality - Ive put hundreds of hours of playing through some of my amps and loaned them to pro musicians and ive never had a problem, also i like being able to change a cap or resistor here and there and see what happens without knocking a shed load off the value

Bottom line is, anyone who thinks Niks amps are no good is - WRONG and MISSING THE POINT!
If you cant get them to sound good then YOU'RE the problem!    Nik - Thanks!
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« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2010, 07:50:56 AM »

Nik, the comments you might have read on other forums about the parts you use are very likely put there by builders or their friends who are very envious of your reputation and are losing business to you. They now seek to tarnish your record by sowing doubt in potential buyers minds.

You should be pleased, no really, you have made them resort to underhand tactics and they will fail. BUT if you do change your parts to lower 'quality' cheaper versions and it gets out, then you will suffer. At the moment we all know these comments are unfounded and will defend you when we see them, please don't change your build philosophy.

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« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2010, 06:52:09 AM »

Just another vote of support for you Nik - your amps are fantastic and you are an incredible dude.

Thanks heaps mate (don't let the man get you down!)
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