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Author Topic: 6l6 mod for Ultra Champ - major or minor surgery?  (Read 8999 times)
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« on: February 20, 2010, 03:45:50 PM »

Hi, I have an ultra champ, it's a great amp, but I just need a bit more clean volume for it to be usable at gig levels (we are just a little duo, no drummer). I've been exploring different options, but one possibility I know is to mod it to a 6l6, which I believe brings it up to about 8 watts and gives a firmer bass response. That may be all the bump I need.

Could someone please point me to an explanation of just what's involved with this mod? If it's just changing a cap / resistor or two I would be super tempted, biasing is something I don't have the gear to do (as far as I understand it), and if it is going to require new trannies I'd probably be better off shopping for another amp, I guess.

If this is covered elsewhere or at another forum, a link or direction would be much appreciated.
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« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 04:06:18 PM »

You will need to change rectifiers, and probably some components in the cat bias circuit. That would be the easy part.  If you email Nik at Ceriatone he will get back to you real fast. He can advise you about the necessity of changing your Output Transformer, and any other details.
Good Luck
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« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2010, 08:03:30 PM »

Did you see this post?


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« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2010, 10:46:12 PM »

What are you running for speakers?  Switching to more sensitive speakers can be the equivalent of a several watt boost.   Or, hook up a 1x12 or 2x12 closed back cab and that little champ will be plenty loud for small gigs.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 06:10:09 PM by hipofutura » Logged

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« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2010, 05:24:55 AM »

Thanks for the great replies. Good to know this forum is active! I actually am currently going into an open back 112 celestion V30 setup, very loud and sensitive speaker. No question, dimed out in 'tweed' mode this thing can handle a little gig, but the blackface cleans or even clean-ish tones are not going to work live even in a real quiet setting, and that's what I'm really needing. I'm just wondering if I can get close enough using this baby and avoid buying a bf deluxe or something. I'll investigate that thread further, thanks!
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2010, 06:54:01 PM »

IIRC, (and that's a big 'if'), Niks PT can easily supply enough heater current for a 6L6 or KT66.

To get the most out of those tube though, you'll want to increase B+ voltage by using at least a 5AR4 rectifier or even a solid-state rectifier plug.  A 6L6 will run cold with the stock 5Y3.  An increase in B+ voltage should not only get out output from the tubes but also get the cathode bias back in range.  Though I would always take measurements and check dissipation anyway to find the optimum range.

At this point the limiting factors are the OT, which may be too small choke off many of you new found watts.

And you have to do the math for the impedance.  The Ultra Champ being multi-tap, that's relatively painless.  If running an 8 ohm speaker, you will change the impedance switch to "16 ohms."  With the swap to the 6L6, you primary impedance is nearly halved, and so the secondary will also be about 1/2 of what the label says.
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