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Author Topic: questions about EL34 amps.  (Read 7742 times)
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« on: August 03, 2008, 03:59:17 AM »

Kitarist suggested I knock around some of my questions over here, so here it goes. 

Some time ago I fell in love with the Matchless Clubman 35.  I am not a pro musician, so I cannot justify the $2000+ it would cost me to obtain this beast.  The Clubman has a pentode preamp much like the EF86 channel of the DC-30, but has 2 EL-34's in the Output stage.  So, I have the following questions.

If you are familiar with the Clubman, in what ways does it differ from other EL-34 amps such as the JTM50 or the TW Expression?

Do EL34 amps in general sound a lot alike?  Would there a be a huge difference in the clubman and the JTM50 for example when the only obvious difference is the preamp tube.

What does a rectifier do, and do I need it?

Would it be feasable to modify one of the existing ceriatone kits to make a clubanish amp? (i.e. Convert the DC-30 to an EL34 Output stage or change the preamp on the JTM50 to a pentode.)

Or...is the major difference between the JTM50 type and the clubman a Class A vs. Class AB thing?  I'm not sure how that affects the sound.

I also really like the sound of the Overtone Special.  That is a 6L6 amp.  I've seen things that suggest that it's easy to change EL34 amps to 6L6.  Is this true?

« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2008, 02:16:18 PM »

Ok i never heard or played a Clubman 35 so icant make sure of what am gonna say.
I think that even if the Clubman 35 use the el34 output tube like the JTM50 and different rpeamp tubes, they will sound totally different.

The preamp is probably not build the same at first, they can have more gain or less, being voiced differently etc.

The best would to try or hear them both so you can know, if you cannot then there is still youtube there is probably some clip of both.

The rectifier Take the AC volt/current and transform it into DC Volt/current
Most tube amp(or even most amp) do have a rectifier in it. I dont remember have seen one without that yet lol.
Some have tube rectifier some have solid state rectifier with diodes.

And both affect the tone in an amp like the jtm50

If it be feasable to modify one of the existing ceriatone kit, if you know how i guess it could be doable. or you can try to ask nik at ceriatone and see if he can do it. I think a few other already did such similar thing. preamp of one amp and poweramp of the other.

I didnt look at the Clubman 35 schematic so icant know how much similar/different they can be.
But is one is Class A and the other one Class AB(Push Pull) it is completly different power amp even if it use the same powertubes.

The overtone amp is a good amp, said to cover lot of different tone.
6L6 type tubes can be changed to el34 usually, i guess it can also be done with this amp.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 02:18:14 PM by bloodedge » Logged
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 12:00:29 AM »

If you are familiar with the Clubman, in what ways does it differ from other EL-34 amps such as the JTM50 or the TW Expression?

Do EL34 amps in general sound a lot alike?

No.  Not at all.  The power amp tube does have an affect on tone and, especially, break-up characteristic, but the preamp tone stack design is the voice of the amp.  Vox made amps that ran with E;84, El34, and even SS poweramps that all sounded like Voxes...why?  They all had similar preamps.

Would there a be a huge difference in the clubman and the JTM50 for example when the only obvious difference is the preamp tube.

Huge difference.  Obvious difference is misconception.  It's not just the preamp tubes, its the cap values and placement of the tone stack, as well as cathode followers, limitations on gain increases from stage to stage, etc.  There are dozens of choices in preamp design that has an affect on tone and distortion.

What does a rectifier do, and do I need it?

All amps have a rectifier, it converts the incoming AC current to DC current.  in most amp designs, use of a tube rectifier adds sag, the attack of the note is muffled and then blooms.  Sag is popular in blues, the faster attack of a SS rectifier is more popular for rock (especially harder stuff).

Would it be feasable to modify one of the existing ceriatone kits to make a clubanish amp? (i.e. Convert the DC-30 to an EL34 Output stage or change the preamp on the JTM50 to a pentode.)
Yes, the DC-30 has a similar preamp to the Clubman, so it's a matter of building and attaching the poweramp, the Matchless EL34 poweramp schematics are out there, but it depends on either Nik or another builder wants to tackle it.

Or...is the major difference between the JTM50 type and the clubman a Class A vs. Class AB thing? 
Not really.

I also really like the sound of the Overtone Special.  That is a 6L6 amp.  I've seen things that suggest that it's easy to change EL34 amps to 6L6.  Is this true?
Yes.  As long as the power transformer is beefy enough and the tube sockets are wired right.  The 6L6GC have a bigger, more open sounding tonal range, the EL34's have more midrange. 
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« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2008, 03:12:39 AM »

So, if I'm liking the matchless sound, I'd probably be happiest with a DC-30 clone since it has a similar preamp.
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