OK to keep the thread up to speed here's what I did next:
I spoke with Nik who said that it could be the associated boards around the amp (power, relay etc) which have been overtightened - apparently if you tighten them too much then you can get a similar problem especially if you use too much solder on the connections - it 'blobs' through the tag on the board, creates a solder ball and proceeds to distort the board when you overtighten it!
However, after slacking off all the peripheral boards so they were loose, it made absolutely no difference..

So, heeding what Nik had said, I removed (at least took the screws out) and checked the connections at the BACK of the boards one at a time. It is correct that you can get this solder build up - I found one on the rectifier board, but it was not causing any problems. I cleaned off the excess solder anyway.
But when I got to the relay board (the one that had the relay wrong way round) I saw a connection underneath (it looked perfect from above) the one with the red wire you solder to it from the main board - see my picture.. that had excessive solder under the board. This connection has a wire under the board that connects to something else and that wire was not a good joint. It looked perfect from above.
I resolderd that connector and cleared off the excess from the joint and rebuilt the amp boards to their original positions making sure I did not overtighten the boards.
At least for now - but I'm going to test the amp further and see if it hangs in there for a longer time. It worked last night for about 1 hour.
Lastly, Ill update this thread to help others - after all that's what this board is for....
I trust anyone reading this at any time will benefit from the insight of the build - and don't forget I'm developing a website
www.overtonehrm.com which will show the build from scratch, it will go in to depth about things to get right and things which typically go wrong. It will cover the order of install (in my view) and it will show you on the amp what adjusters do what! Also voltages and any other quirky stuff with words, images and
video of the head, the tail - the whole damn thing

as they say.
If everything goes to plan there will be another post from me confirming the amp is good.