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Author Topic: Noob building a C-Lator and the layout doesn't match pics???  (Read 5950 times)
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« on: January 29, 2013, 11:54:14 PM »

I am having some trouble figuring out which tranny taps are which, which input wires go where, I got no blue wire in my kit,

i am just building it as I see it...any help?
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« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2013, 06:40:54 PM »

Ok so I'll try again, does anyone know which is more accurate: the photo's on Nik's site or the layout diagram or the schematic. They all have differences. Huh?
T Wilcox
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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2013, 01:23:37 AM »

Regardless of the wire color you have 3 taps all AC 
1. 120 vac input on one side ( should be labeled )
2. 6.3 vac for the heaters that go to the tube ( should be labeled on the trannies paper
3. And then the 135 vac ( should be labeled as well )

Are you asking this because it does not label which lead is the 0volt?


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« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2013, 02:54:45 AM »

None of the taps are really labelled clearly, but I can kind of guess based on the configuration in the schematic, but I would feel a lot better if there was a way I could power up the transformer and check that I have the right taps, before I apply power to the completed circuit. Does it matter which line (excepting ground) comes from the input power socket and goes to the fuse? Intuition tells me no, but can't hurt to ask...there are two configurations shown, one in the layout and another in the pics...
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2013, 04:49:18 PM »

None of the taps are really labelled clearly, but I can kind of guess based on the configuration in the schematic, but I would feel a lot better if there was a way I could power up the transformer and check that I have the right taps, before I apply power to the completed circuit. Does it matter which line (excepting ground) comes from the input power socket and goes to the fuse? Intuition tells me no, but can't hurt to ask...there are two configurations shown, one in the layout and another in the pics...

Good you asked, your intuition is wrong. AC wiring has Hot/Line, Neutral and Ground/Earth wires. The fuse and switch should always be connected to the HOT/LIVE side of the power cord.


In the U.S. it is commonly refered to as Hot, Neutral, Ground, and in Europe and much of the world the IEC convention (Line, Neutral, Earth). Note Nik uses L, N, E as abbreviations.

It is wired correctly in Nik's pictures AND labelled correctly in Nik' layout, but the orientation is different between the two. Layouts cut corners, simplify things, and omit details –– assumptions are always made that the builder knows some industry standards and best practices.

As for the transformer taps...if it's like the one pictured below...you have two 120V solder tabs, two 6.3V solder tabs, and two 135V solder tabs. Ignore the "0"s, these windings are NOT polarized. It doesn't matter which 120V tab is connected to the Neutral pin on the IEC or which is connect to the Switch; it doesn't matter which 6.3V tab is connected to F1 or which to F2; etc.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 05:00:34 PM by wyatt » Logged
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« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2013, 02:46:11 PM »

OK, thanks Wyatt
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