Ceriatone Forum

Website, Store => Support => Topic started by: francois on December 15, 2012, 12:35:46 PM

Title: Install trannies on chassis: magnetic core to be insulated?
Post by: francois on December 15, 2012, 12:35:46 PM
Hi there,

I'm proud to join the community with my first attempt to built a Ceriatone JTM45. I bought separatly trannies and tubes due ti shipment costs to France. PT,OT and choke are from Hammond.

My very 1st step is to mount trannies on chassis and i don't know if i shall insulate the magnetic core from the chassis by mean of plastic washer or not ?

On other hand, i don't catch the use of the PT Frame provided with the kit . How do i mount this one (I saw several pictures on the site but it was present, or not, on one sense..or the other

Many thanks by advance for your help and sorry if my stupid question was already answered, i did not found it

Title: Re: Install trannies on chassis: magnetic core to be insulated?
Post by: T Wilcox on December 19, 2012, 01:10:46 AM
Hey Francois

Welcome to the addiction!

The trannie mounting plate is mainly just to distribute the trannies weight equally in case you are using a weak or flimsy chassis. Niks chassis would be fine without it butif you have it you might as well use it. The bracket also gives you a couple points at which you can zip tie your wires to which may be useful.
There is no need to isolate the magnetic core from the chassis!


Title: Re: Install trannies on chassis: magnetic core to be insulated?
Post by: francois on December 19, 2012, 06:37:13 AM
Hi !

Thank you very much T, it totally answer to my question  :D