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Author Topic: fender mustang floor multifx into overtone fx loop?  (Read 5470 times)
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« on: March 26, 2013, 06:57:44 PM »

hi. i'm fairly new to this forum. so bear with me if I step out of line for my first post Smiley seriously consodering ordering a ceriatone overtone of some kind. I'm just wondering. if placing a fender mustang floor into the fx loop on an ots would work wihtout the buffered loop? the only reason i can think of to do this is if one would use the fx part of the mustang floor to get the delay's. reverb, wah and volumepedal features. and  being able to control them from a fairly well organized platform. keeping the guitartech's(myself) job as easy as possibe. I realize that using the boards built in ampmodeling into this kind of amp would of course be sacrilegious as the amp itself seems to be sought afte because of its abillity to sound like a great guitaramp by itself. but if one was in the possession of such a pedalboard. it might be practical to at least use it for the standard effects instead of bringing a verb, wah, chorus and chorus pedal and the buffer? any thoughts on this?
T Wilcox
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« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2013, 11:29:27 PM »

It depends on the in/out impedance of the fx unit you run through the OTS's effects loop. I tried running my boss gt-10 through the loop by itself and it made horrible sounds. I have heard of other people using like a holy grail reverb by itself through the loop and it sounding fine. I would just get the buffered effects loop whether it be a klein or c-lator so that you are not limited


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« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2013, 04:43:20 PM »

thanks... you're probably right.. and the main reason for using the mustang floor with this amp.. would be for the reverb,  as I don't use many effects anyway. getting to think about it.. sounds kind of stupid to haul along a multifx unit with an amp of this caliber. I use the mustang with my vibrolux custom reverb.. and it works great.. but being a guitarist I'm always curious about other ways of doing it.. and ceriatone shure seems to be that kind of amp one should just plug straight into.. and let it rip!!
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