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Author Topic: Effects-Loop / Kleinulator / Reverb / Delay Query  (Read 5895 times)
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« on: November 14, 2009, 03:35:56 PM »

Hi guys,

I have a Plexi 1987 clone on order from Ceriatone, with some mods including an effects loop.
My reason for getting the loop is for using reverb, delay, & an eq. pedal, but primarily for reverb.
Nik was incredibly helpful when taking me through the details of the amp & did warn that the loop is passive & won't take some pedals very well.

Having now read all the related posts on this forum (all, however, for Overtone models), I've come to the conclusion that the only reverb I can use is a Fuchs Reverborator (which I can't find any info on) or a TC Nova Reverb. Otherwise a Klein-ulator is an essential purchase. I'm quite reluctant to go for the Klein-ulator as everyone has said that it colours tone. I also, naturally, would prefer to avoid the extra expense. But does not buying it, and going for one of the above mentioned pedals, mean that I won't be able to use a delay, digital or analogue, in the loop? Will an analogue delay work going into the front of the amp, in the pedal chain?

Sorry for the long post. I'll try to summarise my queries! :

Will the Klein-ulator colour my Plexi clone in the same way it colours the Overtones?

Will an analog delay(Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man) work in the pedal chain, i.e. not in the effects loop, even with a distorted amp? (I figure guitarists, such as Brian Robertson of Thin Lizzy, were using delay units in the 70s well before effects loops were available, & sounded pretty good doing so).

Thanks in advance guys.
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« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2009, 08:53:21 PM »

I've realised that it's a Fuchs Verbrator, and not Reverborator!

Has anyone used one & can reccommend it? It's pricey too, but is it worth it?

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« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2009, 09:35:56 PM »

Before there were loops.... I am not an effects guy, so I am  quite naive.  But what do all the guys with a Holy Grail do?  Do you really HAVE to run verb through a loop, do you use a lot of distortion AND reverb at the same time?
Good Luck
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« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2009, 11:18:29 PM »

What about installing the Metroamp FX loop? Considering it myself.
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« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2009, 12:33:30 AM »

Thanks for the tip hylwelg. The Metroamp effects loop looks like the most convenient way to do it, & it's got some great write-ups on the Metroamp forum. Has anyone here tried it?

hired hand, I personally wouldn't use a reverb into the front of an amp with the slightest hint of overdrive. I couldn't handle the amount of noise it would generate! So, for me, reverb always goes in the loop. The same goes for a digital delay. I've yet to try an analog one in the front. Does anyone know if it generates as much noise as a digital delay?

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