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Author Topic: clean amp to take pedals for heavy grunge or even nu-metal  (Read 3207 times)
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« on: January 06, 2009, 11:22:19 AM »

Hi. I play 50 watts 1x 12" Peavey ValveKing and mostly my clean channel volume is set from 4 to 6. I know this amp sucks. And I know every added speaker means that I will hear more and there will be more SPL. I'd like to start to use 4x 12" cab or combination of 2x 12" with 1x 15" cab and so I think 30 watts head with 4x 12" cab will be maybe louder than 50watt in 1x 12" combo. I know I could buy Mesa Boogie Dual Recto or some Engl and I will probably do the job. But I feel that everyone uses only these kinds of amps for that kind of music I want to play. I want to be different. And I definitely won't use 100watts of Recto or 120watts of Engl - it's nearly impossible to get powertube breakup from these amps and not be beaten to death by your bandmates (if they're not deaf) of the club owner. I love the sound of Guano Apes, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Tool, Korn, Evanescence etc. and I know they all play Rectos. So I want similar sound (not exactly the same - i know it is not possible) and I know it can be done wit pedals through clean amps. For example:

Catalinbread Supercharged OD pedal to a clean Fender combo:  

Or Zvex Box of Metal to a clean AC-15: http://media1.zvex.com/FLASH/BOM/bom_ac15/

Or Creation Audio Holy Fire pedal to Silverface Fender:

So I think those samples have cleared what I am trying to say. Which amp from a Ceriatone would you recommend for me to do that? I would like to have some powertube breakup at reasonable volumes (not bedroom level) but I can use THD Hot Plate attenuator a little which I'm going to buy for bedroom practise. It should be tight and articulate amp with beatiful clean, lot of punch and definiton but not unpleasantly bright or loose in bass. I want it in head configuration with max. power about 50watts, but it could be ideally 30 watts so I could turn it up and don't have to use Hot Plate so much to affect my tone. So could you help me? Any tips, tricks, help? Tweed? AC style? Blackface? Marshall? Or anything else should I try? Thank you very much...
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