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Author Topic: 1987x blowing HT fuses  (Read 5636 times)
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« on: May 01, 2009, 03:24:03 AM »

I posted this in another thread but i figured i might get more help over here
I've had my 1987 for almost 2 years and a few months ago the power transformer blew and i got a new one (it was either the power or output i can't remember)
then recently it started blowing ht fuses to the point where everytime i turn it on it blows them and i can't play my amp
it has been to the tech and he has no idea what is wrong with he
he said he plugged it up to his cabinet and it worked fine
i can plug my amp into other cabs and it doens't work
and i can plug other amps into my cab and that works
any ideas, it's starting to get really old
thanks guys

here is the link to the old thread
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« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2009, 05:22:38 PM »

Not much help I know but you really need to take your amp AND cab to your tech and show him how to make the HT fuse blow. Then he'll be able to diagnose it.

As hiredhand said it could be a component on the board that got stressed by the Tranny blowing, but until your tech can replicate it reliably he's not got much to go on.

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« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2009, 11:15:18 PM »

Oh Man, is this still going on?  Have you tried new power tubes?  Do you have a DMM?  You must have a short somewhere.  I would suggest trying power tubes that you know are good,  or you can even try your tubes in another amp. 
Take your DMM, put it on the tone/buzz/bell/noise setting and start looking for a short to ground in the power supply and bias supply.  Where do you live?
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« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2009, 03:45:46 PM »

Oh Man, is this still going on?  Have you tried new power tubes?  Do you have a DMM?  You must have a short somewhere.  I would suggest trying power tubes that you know are good,  or you can even try your tubes in another amp. 
Take your DMM, put it on the tone/buzz/bell/noise setting and start looking for a short to ground in the power supply and bias supply.  Where do you live?

What is a DMM?
i feel like i should already know that though...
i live in huntsville/tuscaloosa alabama
i really can't do a whole lot right now
my tech lives in huntsville (where my parents live) but i'm at school in tuscaloosa (2 1/12 hours away)
even local techs here send amps to my guy 2 1/2 hours away
i don't have two amps down here
i'm going home in a week and before i even get to my house i'm stoping by his place and show him exactly what it's doing.
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« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2009, 05:31:37 PM »

Hey -
DMM is a Digital Multi Meter (amps volts ohms etc.).  If you do not have one of those I would say you are at a disadvantage.  Probably best to do like you say and tech it back to your tech.  Just make sure you are as forthcoming as possible with the guy.  Give him as much info as you can about what is going on. Even if something seems unimportant to you, tell the tech anyway and let him decide what is valid and what is not.  Good luck, and definitely let us know the outcome.
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