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Author Topic: Amp with no pots.  (Read 4947 times)
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« on: June 21, 2015, 02:43:54 PM »

Hi everybody !

I'm writing here because i'm trying to figure out how to build an amp i dream about for years.

First a bit of explanation. Big fan of Vox ac30 tone and their sons as Matchless, I'm playing on those for years. But I allways dialing everything on 10, and if it's too loud or too noisy, i'm dialing down my guitar volume. I allways played like that, and it's the way i choose my amps.

So, my goal would be to have a very simple amp. One on/off switch. One standby (some say it's mandatory, even if you don't plug your guitar waiting for the amp to heat a little bit. One input. And that's it. Well no. I would appreciate a pretty red light on also. The amp must, for my first try, have one EL84 tube (as you could have guest) and for the preamp... Let's beguin with common 12AX7. No reverb needed.

Now, I understand that taking the pots out of the amp equals in having some resistors inside the amp instead of them. But, even if it must be psychological, i would be delighted to have an amp with no pots.

So, if i can try to build it myself, i don't have the confidence in me as far as the schematics is concerned. I don't know anything about it. I can only work. Not think.

Can anybody help me with it ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your reply.
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