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Author Topic: How well does the SSS take Pedals?  (Read 7195 times)
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« on: October 21, 2014, 02:29:07 PM »

Currently I use a 65 RI Twin Reverb, and I'm looking in to getting an SSS. But I want to know how it handles pedals. I mean like overdrives and wahs, nothing super fancy. Also the occasional compressor not that I'll need it. I have a chorus, delay, and univibe but those will most likely just go in the loop and they will cooperate fine with a C-Lator.
Let me know!
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« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2015, 09:28:17 PM »

I will let you know. I'm a repairer in Australia and have been getting ceriatone amps come past me for service repair and builder assistance for years
I have really been impressed by the sound of ceriatone amps, so I took the plunge and decided instead of building one I will get one made for me. I have built many amps but the SSS is a bit of a unknown to me but after reading countless reviews I had to get one.
I chose the SSS as I wanted a amazingly good clean amp with heaps of head room and built in reverb.
I like the fact the amp has reverb drive control, as reverb in itself is a important thing to get right.
I use pedals to color my sound, from dirty to modulation effects, also I have plenty of multieffects.
I ordered my amp 3 months ago, and Nik told me a week ago it's nearly ready to go after the Christmas rush.
I have several guitar speaker cabs to try it through, so It will be a great testing ground.
I  ordered a 4x10 cab built from Brisbane amp factory loaded with WGS speakers.
I'm about to go in the studio for some demos in the next week and plan to use the amp and cabs.
if the recordings work out well I will post clips of the results.
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« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2015, 09:07:41 PM »

My SSS arrived yesterday.
Haven't had a chance to give it a good workout, but here is a quick summary.
It's Loud. You can pull an amazing amount of tones.
I love all types of guitars, but for me it's hard to get a full sounding strat tone, until now.
I was using a 80's Marshall TV cab loaded with 25 watt green backs.
These speakers are really well broken in.
Playing a 80's strat with kinman pickups, I was able to pull great rock tones without the ice pick top end.
The amp was amazing with a simple overdrive added to the sound.
I love the selection of tone ability. The high filter is great.
I like old 70's fender twins, but always seemed to fight the top end, the SSS can pull a updated fender twin sound, but also knock on the door of Marshall 800.
Over the coming weeks I've got a heap of gigs, so I will give a better review
Once I've descovered it's secrets

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