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16  Website, Store / General / Re: Significant sound changes on different impedances? on: November 09, 2011, 07:33:57 AM
Thanks for your help.

I now built a cab with a V30 and a G12-65 (a sudden opportunity) (16 Ohm each) which seem to complement one another pretty well.
While I am using them in closed cabinet by now, I will try them in an open one as soon as possible as well.
I am curious about the differences with that.

17  Website, Store / General / Re: Significant sound changes on different impedances? on: November 06, 2011, 05:37:12 PM
Hi there,

foa, thanks for your answer!

>>>Most people are using G12-65 or EVM12l speakers with their D-clones, have you played your HRM through G12H30 V30 setup already?<<<

No, the G12H30 and V30 combination was a commendation from this forum.
While my OTS has 50 Watts, a pair of G12-65 wouldn't match the power output of my amp (2x65W = 130W) - right?  Huh?

You say 2 x 8 Ohm would offer the possibility to run the cab at 4, 8 and 16 Ohms. I see 4 Ohms (2x8 parallel) and 16 (2x8 serial), but how could I run them at 8 (together)?

18  Website, Store / General / Significant sound changes on different impedances? on: November 06, 2011, 10:05:21 AM
I bought a used OTS HRM 50 shortly.
Now I am planning to built a 2x12 cabinet with an G12H30 and a V30 for it, intending to wire them parallel.

Both speakers are available at either 8 or 16 Ohms.

Now I am unsure if 2 x 8 Ohms (=4 Ohms for the cab) or 2 x 16 Ohms (=8 Ohms for the cab) would be the better choice.
Will I notice/hear an alteration on the different impedances at all?

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