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1  British Style / Chupacabra 50 / Yeti vs 2550/2555 on: July 13, 2012, 09:35:39 PM
How do these 2 amps compare?

Obviously they're both Marshall type amps, so there are going to be more similarities than differences (or I might be wrong) but I'm curious as to how they actually compare.

Which has the wider range of sounds?

Can the Yeti get the same sorts of tones as the 2550/2555 and vice-versa??
2  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Best place for the Wah Wah pedal? on: June 30, 2012, 11:15:52 AM
I always think of it this way:

OD/Dist/Fuzz pedals are aiming to simulate an amp that's being overdriven...

...so I always put the Wah before any of those - in fact the only pedal that ever comes in front of the wah in my setup would be a tuner...

However...that is only my opinion. Okay, so perhaps the majority of people would approach it in the same way, doesn't mean it's right for you.

Basically, try it in different places and see what works best for you...
3  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: speaker array idea :) on: June 30, 2012, 11:13:11 AM
Depends....you wiring them in series or parallel?  Tongue
4  Ceriatone / SSS / Re: SSS - indication of interest on: June 02, 2012, 08:04:35 AM
Sounds great, thanks!!
5  Ceriatone / Overtone / Digital multi-effects in loop?? on: May 28, 2012, 01:45:43 PM
Is anyone using a Boss GT100 or similar in the loop of their OTS and with or without a c-lator or similar?

I'm thinking that the price isn't too bad for all the modulation, delay and reverb options it gives you but wondered how well it works in this kind of loop....

Having to wait until I move in July to order my OTS as it would be due to ship right when I was moving and I wouldn't want it going to the wrong house!! Still, picked up a Fender Blues Deville 4x10 combo at a bargain price on eBay which will make a great backup amp!! (Might even make me opt for 4x10 cab to go with the OTS). Problem is now that I'm spending my time planning my stage rig...hell, for pub gigs I think my mind is going a little overboard (almost Bonamassa level of complexity!!)...will have to remember to reign it back in a little to just the OTS with the Deville as backup and maybe JTM45 at some point...
6  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Eminence Swamp Thang & Texas Heat combined in 2x12" for HRM BM 100?? on: May 22, 2012, 12:28:20 AM
Thanks Fabien, those clips did help actually.

The more I read and the more I listen to clips online, the more I think that I am at least going to try the Texas Heat/Swamp Thang combination - got in touch with Eminence and they said it's one of their most popular combinations...and Emi speakers aren't that expensive (not a consideration, but still a plus) so if it's not right then I haven't wasted too much money...

7  Ceriatone / Overtone / Eminence Swamp Thang & Texas Heat combined in 2x12" for HRM BM 100?? on: May 18, 2012, 10:02:14 PM
Title says it all really, I'm planning ahead and trying to decide on which speakers I'll go for when I get my Overtone (decided on HRM BM100 with a few of the popular tweaks - will be ordering imminently)...

Had a listen to a lot of clips and read lots of reviews and I'm drawn to a combination of these 2 speakers - the Swamp Thang and Texas Heat - they seem to give nice Fendery clean tones but also good meaty overdriven tones - though granted I haven't been able to find a clip recorded using a D-Type amp (or not that I've realised anyway)...

Oh yeah, I'd be going for an open backed cabinet....

Has anyone here tried them?

What's the verdict? Is it a combination worth trying (I'm not against trying them and swapping them out if they're not right for me...but no harm in getting opinions first - hell that's half the fun isn't it??)

I'm also thinking in terms over potentially getting a 2nd 2x12" (but closed back) with the same combination at some point in the future to run with a Marshall-type amp or use both together as a 4x12" depending on situation etc....
8  American Style / 5E8A Tweed Twin / Re: eminence legend 1258 or jensen p12q? on: May 16, 2012, 09:06:37 PM
I believe the Weber speaker used in the Fender Custom Shop 57 Twin was pretty close to the original speakers...they sounded pretty damn good in the one I had chance to play through anyway!! Pricey though...at least over here...
9  Ceriatone / SSS / Re: SSS - indication of interest on: May 15, 2012, 03:44:29 PM

Would be awesome if you could do a little A/B comparison between the OTS cleansound and the SSS cleansound.

I'll second that.

I'm mere weeks away from finally being in a position to place my order for an OTS, but I have to admit that I'm very tempted to wait another month and go for the SSS...yes it would mean I'd be looking for an amp for my overdrive sound further on up the road, but I'd have the clean sound I've been looking for...

Would be useful to see how close an amp that gives me the overdrive sound as well can get on the cleans...

(That said, how cool would an SSS and a Marshall-type head look sat on top of a 4x12 cab!!)
10  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: TC Electronic Hall Of Fame Reverb Pedal on: May 12, 2012, 01:16:44 PM
Klator INSIDE amp head. It fits snuggly & perfectly, under the small tubes side of th eamp). I just had to unscrew the back panel & screw it again, after fitting the Klein in - so I can forget about it.

I like that idea, have you secured it in there and if so how?? (just Velcro like on a pedal board?)
11  Ceriatone / Overtone / TC Electronic Hall Of Fame Reverb Pedal on: May 10, 2012, 03:39:29 PM
So I'm wondering, will this pedal work in the loop of an OTS without a C-Lator??

12  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: HRM Bluesmaster setup advice on: May 06, 2012, 09:01:54 PM
...be sure to use the PAB when you use the OD. This is how it is designed to be used...


Is it possible to have the footswitch for selecting between Clean & OD automatically engage the PAB when the OD is selected?
13  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: TC Nova Reverb Set-up on: May 05, 2012, 05:57:02 PM
Input Level Calibration
Your Nova Reverb pedal is per default set up to work
well right out the box - just as any other stompbox
pedal. However, you can optimize the performance of
your Nova pedals AD/DA converters by calibrating the
input sensitivity. Follow this step-by-step guide:
• Calibration of the input sensitivity should be done
to the max. expected input level. Therefore you
should turn on boosters etc. that are placed prior to
the Nova Reverb pedal in the signal chain.
• Press, hold and release the ROOM button. The 5
LEDs in second row from the bottom is lit.
• Play with the loudest* sound you use for a few
seconds and watch some of the 5 LEDs turn off
one by one. How many that are turned off, depend
on the output of your guitar. When no further
changes seem to appear the pedal is calibrated.
• Press any key to exit.
• The pedal is now calibrated
* By your “loudest” sound we mean the sound with the highest
dynamic content. This is most likely a clean sound as overdrive
sounds per nature are compressed.

Would I be right in thinking that the loudest setting for any pedal in the loop on an OTS would be with the amp running at a high volume or am I misunderstanding how the loop works??
14  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just how Marshall is "Marshall" when talking HRM..?? on: April 30, 2012, 07:12:34 AM
Before I give you my feedback, I'd like for you to know that my advice is based purely on my own experience and observation alone with my BM. My experience might be the result of unlearned tweaking of my BM or takings of a wrong approach to setting it up.

In a short, I would go for a OTS or HRM but probably the OTS if you're looking for that typical dumble sound. I'm not saying that that those sounds can't be had out of a BM, but boy it's hard work. I've had my amp for about 2 months now, and I'm still looking for those tones out of my amp. I've changed tubes, speakers had additional mods added to the amp, Clator built in and have extensively tweaked the amp on both the external controls and internal trim pots. The result has been great now, and the OD is sounding great and is certainly getting me closer to those dumble tones I was originally wanting. I do plan on adding an EQ pedal into the loop in which another BM owner on the forum has had some success with, and I should find out today if this gets me sonically there when I pick up the pedal later today.

As you can see, the journey has been a big one, but in saying that, the tones I'm getting out of the amp is nothing short of amazing. The cleans on the BM are immaculate and is by far the best that I've heard out of an amp, but that those tones were easy to setup. The OD on the other hand has been where the journey been. The OD today is to me definitely Marshall flavored now and sounds great after adjusting the internal hrm trims, and this is where the OD has improved the most. Previously, the OD was either too little or too much where it began to get fizzy, but now it I'm able to get some very nice tones out of the channel with PAB engaged. As a matter of fact, these tones are excellent on their own right.

So in saying that, the BM is amazing in its own right and I think the dumble tones can be had out of it, but it's hard work, well for me anyways. The OTS I think, will be easier to get those tones you're after. The BM is probably a better amp or those looking for their own tones, where as the OTS is probably a good amp for those looking for that typical dumble tones.

Thank, but I'm not so much after the typical D-Style OD tones. I want a superb clean first of all, so am leaning towards a BM but am thinking that, since I build my OD sound using pedals on top of a clean sound, I would use those with my Strat and Tele and when I get a Les Paul I could set the OD channel on the amp to use with that...

...just my initial thoughts at this stage...
15  Ceriatone / Overtone / Just how Marshall is "Marshall" when talking HRM..?? on: April 29, 2012, 09:34:06 PM
So many times I see the HRM and BM overdrive described as more of a "Marshall" type of drive sound, but how much is it really?

As well as listening to Matt Schofield a lot lately, I've also been listening to a lot of Joe Bonamassa and it has got me to wondering what sort of OD sounds I would be able to get with a Les Paul into whichever OTS I end up buying...

Now I don't expect to be able to get the same sort of tones as he gets from his 2555 (perhaps one of those might be in my future as well...but not for a while yet!!) but is it possible to get the same sort of raw blues tones from either a normal HRM or Bluesmaster??

(Just as an aside, I tried a few Les Paul's today through a Fender Supersonic and loved the OD sound on that amp when paired with the LP...)
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