thanks for the input, folks! i appreciate!
the amp came shipped with an NOS Zaerix 5Y3, so i if i understand correctly, this tube is safe to use and i can replace it with a 5V4, which will not put as much strain on the amp as a GZ 34 (which, in turn, is actually in the amp's tube chart).
since the GZ34 is in the tube chart, i should not run into problems if i actually popped one in, right?
which leads to the next question:
the chart says 2x 6L6GC, but the amp came with E/H 6V6GTs.
aren't 6V6GTs lower power than the GC type? i don't get it.
since it came configured with NOS 5Y3 and 6V6 GT, i assume it's safe to use as is, even though the tube chart asks for GZ34 and 6L6GC?
if i want to put in a 5V4 or even a GZ34, i should also swap the 6V6GTs to 6L6GC, just as the tube chart says, no?
i just looked at the 5e3 vs. the 5x3 layout, and the tubes the amp came shipped with are for the 5e3, not the 5x3. could it be i don't even have a 5x3 here?
and please excuse my crude english, i'm not a native speaker and my technical knowledge is close to zero.