I'm convinced that it's time to give Ceriatone a shot (lord knows I've tried about everything else out at this point). I am a home studio player (young kids, you know the deal) and volume is definitely an issue (always). I have an AxeFX which is great and filled with options, but I feel like I need something sweet and simple (but versatile) with KNOBS to keep me grounded. I love cleans, edge of breakup and some grind (sometimes). Definitely more old school overdrive and gain. I also love to just plug in (no pedals) but I'm not adverse to a clean boost or something to kick it up a notch. I don't think an FX loop would be necessary in this rig. I have an Avatar 2x12 with CL80 & Hellatone60 <V30 broken in clone>.
I want great Marshall tones and NOTHING compares to a good, voxy ef86. So, of course the TMB + ef86 18 watter sounds appealing. But, I think trying to kill two birds with one stone might be pushing it.
The 20 watt lead/bass seems very interesting as well. But in both circumstances, how are the cleans/edge of breakup? I play a Tele, modded Tele with Fralin P92's (awesome!) and Epi Elitists (MIJ).
My main point is I need simplicity, many nice tones by just turning dials, jumping channels, and VOLUME control is VIP!!! What is the Klein-ulator btw??? Also, how big is the footprint on the Ceritatone cabs? Full sized marshall headbox (too big) or a bit smaller (12-18" or so?). Sorry for all of the questions, I'm not adverse to nailing the Marshall-esque tones first - then saving up and coming back for more with a pure Vox style. Feel free to PM or email me: greg@gregamann.com