I appreciate the decision to stop selling parts and focus on kits and amps. Considering the high quality of the parts in the kits, I can't find a compelling reason to not order a kit. As far as package 1 or package 2 kits are concerned, the transformers provided with my package 2 Express(ion) kit were excellent, with no upgrade required. I have only bought package 1 kits when I have had sets of suitable transformers on-hand.
I understand the frustration of dealing with people who don't think before they order. It surprises me (Well, maybe not) that people buying a chassis or kit would expect their transformers to drop right in, unless they check the dimensions of the cutout before they order. Between that and the discussion forum wars over the past few years, I can understand the emotional drain. I just appreciate that you have stuck it out, providing superior quality products at very reasonable price.
I wish you all the best and hope that you may take some satisfaction in knowing that a lot of us would never have undertaken a build like a DC-30 without your hard work. We owe you.