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Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Want the smooth D sound, don't want bright or harsh
on: December 31, 2008, 01:54:15 AM
I played a blackface Super Reverb for years before switching to Dr Z Maz 18 and Maz 38's around 2002. I like the Dr Z amps, which are in the Voxish category, with some Fender thrown in. I have a Splawn Quickrod (similar to a hot rodded JCM800 in a lot of ways) but it's a very single purpose amp for me, and I have to really work to tame the high end.
I'm more of a Fender/Vox guy than anything. I don't have a cab with a G12-65 in it, but I plan on buying one, or putting a G12-65 in my Avatar 1x12 1/2 back cube cabinet when I get the Overtone.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Want the smooth D sound, don't want bright or harsh
on: December 30, 2008, 07:29:30 AM
I'm about ready to pull the trigger on a Ceriatone D style amp and want to get the right one. I'm very sensitive to bright amps, can't stand anything that resembles bright or harsh. I want clarity and articulation without being bright, if that's possible, with no loose bottom end or mud. Think Robben Ford's "Politician" sound.
I play mostly a PRS CU22 with Dragon II's and Les Paul with Duncan Antiquities, though some Strat and tele (not much these days).