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1  Website, Store / Support / Fender 5f6a build on: June 04, 2012, 11:02:53 PM
I’ve been trying to finish a build using the ceriatone 5f6a layout using classictone transformers.
I am getting very low voltage readings at all tube sockets.
I have double checked that all the resistors on the board are the correct value and tested all of them. But I am still losing voltage somewhere.
There is a 100k resistor on the standby switch and I am not sure of it’s purpose. On one side of the standby switch I was getting 400volts then on the other side after the 100k resistor I was getting around 100volts. This doesn’t seem right to me.
Can anybody suggest what I need to do?
Many thanks
2  Website, Store / Support / copper wire on: February 09, 2012, 02:17:59 AM
hey all,
just got some more wire to continue working on a 5f6a bassman project and realised that it's copper wire not silver. Can copper wire be used in guitar amps at all? Was thinking it might be ok for the star ground or should I steer clear of using copper wire at all?
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