Hi All, new guy here - preparing to buy a Ceriatone HRM
I've been very torn between HRM and HRM BM, and I want to check in here before bothering Nik with more emails.
Regarding differences between models, Nik menioned in our correspondence: 'The BM's OD isnt as gainy as the HRM. The MK2 also doesn't have that gainy an OD, it's a bit akin to the BM, gain wise, but a bit smoother. It also runs EL34s, altho 6l6gcs can also be used. If you want tighter OD that's also gainier, I'd go with HRM still. The BM's is more like a fender or marshall that's cranked up, but of course, better than those. The HRM is more "liquid" so to speak.We can also install a mod to defeat the OD's tonestack, giving it yet more gain.
I really like the idea gainer and smoother idea of the HRM, though the Fendery clean and breakup of the Bluesmaster also seem very appealing.. I'm leaning toward the BM with c-lator though I'm still going back and forth Are the bluesmaster's cleans more twinnish than HRM?
Nik has mentioned some mod options "We can indeed add some mods like 3 way mid boost, add snubbers, LNFB switch..."
The tonestack defeat seems popular and well reviewed, so I'd probably opt for that. As far as snubbers, 3 way mid boost, and LNFB switch, are any of those options recommended? I love blues, rock and hard rock - not necessarily chasing Ford or Carlton tones per se; I also want a flexible overdrive with beautiful sonic complexities.. if that makes any sense..
Any recommendations are highly appreciated - Thanks!