It sounds huge, maybe to much gain for me and there is something in the treble gain structure which I don't like. I think it's those V30... not my favorite speakers.
As the saying goes...."Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Personally Imassy's clips are my favourite OTS tones...there are many excellent clips on the forum and Youtube but I would love to hear some more 'in yer face rawk' tones which would show how versatile the OTS is. Just for the record, I am not a metal fan/head fact I'm probably older than most of the members on this forum
It was Imassy's clips on Nik's site that finally convinced me a couple of months ago that I should get an Overtone...... unfortunely since then the £ has divebombed against the dollar (down from approximately $2.10 to $1.55 to the £) and I am having second thoughts.....and it doesn't look as if the pound is going to recover for some time