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Website, Store / / Re: Downgrade all parts to Asian made (aka are people really that blind?)
on: January 23, 2013, 02:49:39 PM
Nik, I can't speak for anyone but myself. You have built me about 6 amps to date. Some I have sold simply because of the fact that I can't afford a multi-amp collection But I have never had an issue with your build quality! I have always highly recommended your amps to friends and nothing gets better advertising than people hearing your amps. I gig with them regularly and depend on them and they never let me down! There will always be a handful of naysayers putting you down for whatever reason. I say @#$% 'em! Just keep doing what you do! Actually it will be 7 amps as Nik is building me a 1986 bass! Woo-hoo!
British Style / Plexi Lead, Bass, Superlead / Plexi Mk2 brown just ordered!
on: April 11, 2012, 10:19:07 PM
Hi all, I finally pulled the trigger on a Mk2 brown today! I have one of Nik's JTM45s and it has been a great amp but my G.A.S got the best of me and decided to go for it! It will take about 4 weeks to build but boy have I got somethin to look forward to! I'll be using it with a 4x12 slant with greenbacks. That'll push some serious air!! Woo-Hoo!!
British Style / JTM 45, 50 / Re: Using the effects loop
on: April 16, 2010, 04:42:03 PM
Nik has 2 units that will do the job. The kleinulator and the clator. The klein works great. I have a jtm45 w/passive loop that Nik built me and it was sending my Gforce too hot of a signal and was making it disrtort (and not a nice one) Both the klein and the clator have 3 controls: a send, return and recovery or gain) I brought down the send level to where my gforce is happy and bring the return/recovery to desired sound level. It's almost like having a master volume.
I just ordered the clator because it's tube driven and rack mount. The klein is ss and not rack mountable.
Hope this helps
Website, Store / / Re: No More Parts for Sale
on: April 16, 2009, 11:37:26 AM
Nik, bottom line is you do what's best for your business. I only speak for myself when I say I will continue to buy amps from you. Your work is outstanding and you've found a loyal customer in me. Jim Dimenno (1987x, kleinulator)
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Got my OT Special!!
on: November 05, 2008, 12:37:09 AM
I've never played through a real Dumble but I have to say the more I play with the overtone the more I love this amp!! It just has the sweetest od and with the Klein in the loop--well, it's a tone I've been chasing a long time!
Ceriatone / Overtone / Got my OT Special!!
on: October 28, 2008, 11:29:21 PM
Well, I got my OT Special yesterday and a few weeks earlt to boot!! It arrived safe and sound and shipped within 4 days from Malaysia to NY, USA. I ordered it with the Kleinulator and the OD trim pot mounted on the rear of the chassis. I first plugged my guitar in straight, no effects at all and it was not bad at all. I cranked the preamp volume and turned up the ratio to about 6 and it was a pretty sweet OD! Now I normally use compression up front to smooth things out but the amp sounded pretty good although a little bright. Today I set up the klein in the loop with a G-Major with the send at around 1:00, return full, and recovery on about 1:30. All I can say is wow!!! No compression needed here!! The more I tinker, the more I like!! I can't wait to crank this baby up! I am verrrrrrry happy!
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just ordered a new Special!!
on: September 11, 2008, 12:54:46 PM
Well, it sounds like the kleinulator is a pretty essential unit! From the descriptions here of smoothing the tone and even adding a little more bite with the recovery control, I guess I'll add it to my order.
Anyone try this with other amps with a serial loop? Any Marshall owners?
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just ordered a new Special!!
on: September 10, 2008, 06:44:49 PM
Thanks, I kinda figured the trim pot would have a big impact on the gain structure. That's ok, I love to tweak. I usually have my wife shaking her head because she'll see me toying with the rig that I had just claimed to be the "ultimate sound" the night before! . Does the kleinulator really make a difference? I generally use quite a bit of effects, both up front and in a loop but thinking of the special as more minimal, just a little reverb and delay. It seems that an amp like this that responds so well to picking dynamics wouldn't need much enhancement. Jim
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just ordered a new Special!!
on: September 09, 2008, 11:36:43 PM
Thanks! 11 weeks and counting!! I have probably listened to all of the clips, particularly marinblues ( nice phrasing!) and it is an overdrive like none I have ever heard. I t just has that nice bite! Have you, like some other members taken down the internal gain pot a notch? I will probably end up playing with that a little. What are your favorite settings so far?